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Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:39 am
by polkarama27
Forgive me if this topic has already been put up...but if it has I'm shocked I haven't discovered it yet!

This topic is about non other than our favorite band in the whole world! That's right, the guys that back Al up on stage and really really need more pats on the shoulder. Come on guys, these are some of the greatest people in the world! For once, I think we should look beyond Al (as hards as it might be) and talk about the band!!

So there you have it! This topic was created just for the band and only the band!! No Al allowed! There's plenty of other topics talking about him!

So go on! Talk about who your favorite is, who has encouraged you the most, fan meeting band stories! Go on! Spill it! Al can wait!

Let us now give thanks to Bermuda....Ruben...Steve...and Jim... THEY SO TOTALLY ROCK!!! :lol: :yay:

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:06 am
by Average.Amanda
:clap: Deffinitely! :clap:

A zillion kudos to the awesome band!! <3

I love Jim's gorgeous Hawaiian music. My Hawaiian Heart brings me to tears every time, it's so beautiful. Steve's guitar work is epic WOW. Ruben's ALWAYS great- he's funny, AND he rocks the keyboard. Bermuda's always fun, and HOW he can keep the beat with all the craziness going on around him astounds me.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:14 am
by polkarama27
Average.Amanda @ Aug 29 2008, 11:06 PM wrote:

I love Jim's gorgeous Hawaiian music. My Hawaiian Heart brings me to tears every time, it's so beautiful.
I totally agree! Jim's slack key guitar is very very beautiful.

I also love Steve's music too! If anyone hasn't heard his stuff, go check it out! It has a great beat to it...I'm hoping to get one of his CDs for my bday!

Ruben is of course awesome too! That guy can really play piano! I swear, you can see smoke rising from the keyboard :lol:

And who can forget Bermuda? Gosh, I wish he was my uncle!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :P

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:11 am
by Eithne
a year ago when I saw them I didn't know anything about the band - but something told me "take pics of these guys too" and I did :) and wow what show they put on!! and then later I learned about them... how they've supported Al for so they have their own unique projects and talents. Seeing vids of them I enjoy their sense of humour how amazingly skilled musicians they are... and how they love to goof around as much as the band's singer :D

I have all 4 of Steve's CDs and can't wait for the 5th. I've bought all 3 of Jim's CDs though one is an anniversary gift for friends who went to Maui this year :) They're so genuine in person - likable (of course), enjoy talking about their work (so fascinating) - just all round great guys :)

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:16 am
by crispy-gypsy
OH YAY! BAND APPRECIATION TIME! That's awesome. *laughs*

Favorite Band member... aaaaall of them. For their own different reasons? *laughs* For their musicianship, their senses of humour, their kindness, and I SO WANT BERMUDA AS AN UNCLE TOO. SRSLY. ((I said the same thing about Al when I started off being a fan... Gosh, I hope it doesn't evolve the way THAT one did *shifty eyes*)).

The only band member I ever had something close to an encounter with at the only Al concert I've ever gone to was Steve, and when I say encounter, I mean "I was sitting down on the sidewalk with my sister minding my own business and when I looked up he was bending over to talk to a kid and I got a face full of his backside." It was "Aww, jeez, why does this always happen to me?" because teachers LOVED stopping beside my desk to bend over and talk to the student beside me. *laughs*

But ya know, I was a horrible eavesdropper and listened in on the conversation he was having, and I was happy to see that he was just one hell of a nice guy. He even helped a drunk lady who couldn't get up off the curb.

I love these guys.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:17 am
by Ambra
Yes, the guys definitely deserve to be recognized! I got to meet Jim and Steve after the Richmond concert and both of them were a pleasure to talk to. I had my picture taken with each of them; Steve had me laughing because he had his cheek resting on the top of my head and he said, "You're head is really warm! I mean really warm!" It's obvious they both love what they do. I haven't heard any of their solo work but I plan on getting a couple of their cds soon.

And what can I say about Bermuda? I inundated the poor guy with concert pics from Richmond and Columbus and he was very gracious, sending me thank you emails when I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd told me to never email him again!

Along with being an amazing keyboard player, Ruben is so much fun to watch onstage! From the conical bra to the expressions on his face during some of the songs, he always makes me laugh! At the Columbus show, when Jim did his big solo during TitDT, Ruben leaned forward with his elbows on the keyboard, his chin resting in his hands, and watched Jim do his thing! I have a great pic of him from TSB with this sinister look on his face; I'll try to post it later, along with some photos of the rest of TBitB.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:55 am
by Twinkies Are Yucky
Yes, the band! Even if you don't like Al, you can't deny his band is a bunch of pretty talented people.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:58 am
by kyky27
His band IS full of amazing, wonderful, talented people. Some people think just because they do comedy music, they aren't that good. Well, that's a load of crap! They are the some of the best band members on the world, I got a chance to meet Bermuda, Jim and Ruben. All were very nice, and awesome.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:24 pm
by ludovica64
Good idea for a thread and long overdue...

I've been friends with Jim for about 6 months and he always is so kind and patient with all my dumb questions. When I met him he was so sweet to me and we talked for ages about all sorts of stuff. I kind of forgot I was standing there talking to my favourite guitarist, he is just so friendly and chatty.

The man is a legend in the field of ethno-musicology and has done so much to popularise Hawaiian music. He's also proved to be a good friend and his music always makes me feel sunshiny inside :) :mahalo: Jim

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:33 pm
by crispy-gypsy
He sounds very sweet! You're so lucky, being friends with him. *laughs*

I love thinking that these guys are just more than legitimate artists in their own right, not the "best coverband in the world" or whatever people say. I remember when I was just fledgling Al-fan, not knowing much about the band, and then suddenly diving into this world and realizing that there's a hell of a lot more to them.

Ya know, when you get interested in something, so you rush onto Wikipedia and read up on them, and then onto their personal websites and just try to learn as much as you possibly can? YEAH. *laughs*

ANYWAY, love these dudes, and I love the idea for this thread cuz they more than deserve props!