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Welcome to this forum

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 3:12 pm
by WHiZZi
Hi there,

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Bart v/d Akker but i'm called WHiZZi on the internet. I'm a very big dutch fan of Weird Al Yankovic so I thought, let's make a forum for him. And you just found it.

Now I'm gonna tell you where you can post the questions and explain the different forums.

Here you can find all the anouncements from the administrator (me) and other moderators.

Question or comment on the Music? Or any tips.. Post it here.

Anything about where to buy records and videos. Please do not post any links to MP3 sites here!

Tour Talk
Al(l) about the touring of Weird Al Yankovic.

Talk about Al and The Band that doesn't fit under the other categories.

Ask Bermuda
This forum is closed. You can still read it, but you can't post any new questions. If you are curious about the reason why, you should read this post from Bermuda.

Forum Ideas
You have comments or ideas to the forum? You can post it here. Have an idea for the forum? Share it here. Technical problems (can't get into chat?) Post here too.

If you see Al on your TV screen, you can discuss it here.

Polls And Games
Post any WAY related polls or games here.

A place for Non-American members to gather. With Al's upcoming Aussie tour, this is going to be a popular Forum.

If you have or know of a unique Weird Al website, PM WHiZZi and if he thinks it's worthy, he will link it here.

This forum is not intended to share your Weird Al MP3 collection or any other illegal stuph. The moderators can ban your IP or your name (after several warnings). Please do not violate this rule and you can have a lot of fun here. But remembers, Big Brother (that would be me or other moderators) are watching you.

For those who can't understand what I mean by all this. Please read the FAQ or else mail me.

I wish you all the best on this forum and hopefully the real band members will come and visit here! (They already know that this board exist afaik)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 7:35 pm
by WHiZZi
FAQ about this Forum (Thanks to scottidog):

Q: Can I talk about my cousin's appendectomy here?

A: If Al did the surgery, sure. If not, then... NO.

This is a Weird Al Forum. If you want to talk about your cousin's appendectomy, you can start your own forum and talk about it there.

Q: Can I post about the latest They Might Be Giants concert I went to?

A: You can certainly mention it, if it comes up in converstation within a thread, but if you start a topic about it, it will be locked. If another member is a die hard TMBG fan, and you want to tell them all about the concert, this Forum has a Private Message option that is really cool. You can talk to them all you want to in PM.

Q: What if I really would like to get to know the members outside of our common interest in Al?

A: We have a chat option. You can meet up with other members there and chat about anything you like. We have a thread where you can post to alert other members that you are in the chat room. Also, we have a thread for Birthday/Anniversary/Holiday posts. And a big Introduction Topic.

Q: Can I start a topic?

A: Sure! But it's always a good idea to spend a little time finding out if it has already been discussed. If you don't see the topic anywhere, do a quick Search and if you don't see anything that fits the subject you want to discuss, go ahead and post. There is a cheat sheet of hot topics here. If it is a duplicate thread, the moderators will try to locate the appropriate thread and post a link before they lock it. Please, don't take it personally if your thread is locked.

Q: Can I ask for or offer MP3s here?

A: No. Don't post links to any MP3 sites either. We're not kidding about this.

Q: Can I post my website address?

A: No. There is a place in your profile for you to provide that information. If other members want to access your website they will. Some of the members here have great websites, so you should check out some of them. If you have something unique to post, you can PM WHiZZi and if he thinks it's worthy, he will link it in the Links section.

Q: Can I sell my extra concert ticket here?

A. No. This is WOWAY, not Ebay.

Q: I have a mummified Twinkie Weiner Sandwich signed by Al, can I trade it here?

A. No. We'd love to see pictures of it, but if you want to trade it, sorry. There are a lot of online fans who do trades. I'd suggest Googling "Weird Al trade pages" and contact fans directly.

Q: Can I use images from or this forum?

A. No. The logo of this forum and all pictures on are copyrighted. You may not use them for your own.

A word about general etiquette:

Please keep in mind that Al's fans come in all sizes, shapes, colors and AGES. We have a lot of kids that come here, and we want to keep it family friendly. Off color language will be edited by Mods and you may get a warning. Three warnings and not even WHiZZi can save you. (I actually don't know if that's true. I'm makin' a point here.) :lookround:

Try to stay on topic. Everyone gets off topic sometimes, but let's try to keep the posts interesting for everyone. Remember, you always have the option to chat with other members PM, so if you are having fun joking back and forth, fine. Just take it PM.

It's a real good idea to stay away from hot button issues like Politics, and Religion. People tend to have very strong opinions on these subjects. If you feel you must talk about it with another member, once again... use the handy dandy PM feature.

No flaming. This Forum is supposed to be fun. Let's keep it that way.

Don't feed the trolls. If you feel someone is trolling, click the blue button and/or PM one of the mods or admin.