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Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 2:39 am
by weird_el

I just had the best vacation of my life in Orange County attending the 6 county fair shows, the Weird Al Experience, and seeing old friends and making new ones. I just had to give you a BIG thank you for being part of that.

The shows were all incredible, and it was so great to see you all again. Miles Jay particularly impressed me, and it was so nice of him to meet with us [fans] every night sidestage after the shows. Steve has a lot to be proud of.

Thanks for everything!


(glowing and happy)

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 3:39 am
by Rachael27
I think I need to second that thought. My only regret is that I didn't get to see you Bermuda to say Hi. :)


Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 6:31 am
by bermuda
Glad you both had a good time!

I had maybe 8 personal guests for the whole week (despite about 300 requests for aftershow passes!) and I ended up seeing more fans & friends away from the venue, before the shows. Sorry to miss you Racheal. Next tour? Next Alcon??


Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 5:43 pm
by mrmeadows
I went to the show on Friday night (9:45...the last one) and also had a great time! We had seats in the second row practically right smack-dab in front of Al! It was the best. Yeah, we waited until around 1:45am to see if Al and the band would come out and meet us, but no luck :(

However, one weird thing happened before we went home: as we were hanging around the (completely empty) parking lot saying goodbye to a friend, who should walk by us looking for his ride but STEVE JAY! Wow! Well, he was very gracious and signed autographs for us, including my "In-3D" vinyl album cover! Gee, the ONE band member I thought I WOULDN'T

get to see (I heard he was sitting this concert out...his son, Miles, did a great job by the way). . .and it turns out he's the ONLY autograph I DO get! Well, that was bizarre, but Mega-COOL! Thanks to Steve for the autograph, and thanks to Al, Jim, Bermuda and Miles for the great show they put on! I can't wait for the next bona-fide tour (hopefully I'll be able to meet the rest of the band at the next one)!


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 12:07 am
by WeirdAlFanatic27
I met Jim when i was walking to my seat! my friend was the one who pointed him out. i asked him if he was jim west and he said yeah i asked him for his autograph he was kind of in a hurry but he signed my folder i took. hes a pretty nice guy!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 1:23 am
by stupidsurgeon27
Yes! Thanks for the concerts! They were polkariffic! I couldn't believe how much fun I had! I don't think my voice will ever be the same.

Thanks for the broken drumstick too! I still can't believe it! Thank you so much!

It was so cool to finally meet the rest of the band too!

~still can't believe she got backstage~

