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Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 1:55 am
by Elvis
I can probably recite all the early albums by heart. I'd say that I know them pretty well through RWS. PH and SOL I can sing along to. Alpocalypse is the album I am most fuzzy on. It might have a little something to do with the weird way it was released, a little bit at a time, and little to do with other factors in my life going on at the time. I listened to it the other day and forgot some of the originals that were on there. MF is still a little premature to tell, but I'd probably lump it in with PH and SOL in that I can sing along pretty well at this point. I expect I will be darn good at it by the end of the tour. :)


Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:17 am
by Waffle King
Oddly enough,I didn't get the UHF soundtrack until like 6 or 7 years ago. When it came out, as a kid I thought it was all skits/background music (besides the Beverly Hillbillies song) so I never bothered to buy it. It was only several years back when I heard TBBOTIM & Spam being played on the radio that I figured I better look into any ALbums I may have missed the first time around!

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:30 am
by avesjohn
For anyone that owns them (such as myself), The Food Album and The TV Album likely fit into this category. While they're corporate-mandated cheesy compilations and therefore not really true ALbums, they're still a part of Al's catalog nonetheless. I'm rather ashamed to admit that I owned one or both of those albums before I got some of the original studio albums from which their songs were compiled. I haven't listened to either one probably for over a decade, back when I was in the 8th-9th grades (2002-2003ish), when I was just starting my music collection, and I still played music in a CD player rather than on my iTunes/iPod.

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:53 am
by anthontherun
There's no shame in having owned any of the cheesy compilations before having a full set of studio albums. When I first got into Al, if I went to a store and saw a release I didn't have, I got it.* I actually was never able to track down a copy of In 3-D until a month or two after RWS came out. That's actually probably a big reason why "That Boy Could Dance" is my least familiar Al song, since it wasn't on any compilation.

*I'd be remiss if I didn't point out two of my greatest regrets in life, allowing my mom to convince me not to buy the "Gump" CD single because "it's only got 7 songs," and opting to buy Alapalooza on cassette instead of Peter and the Wolf on CD at a Tower Records in Philadelphia. I got both of them probably 10-15 years later, but they wound up costing me a lot more than they would have back in the day. As an aside, I remain convinced that TMBJon has the very copy of P&TW that I once held in my hands and pondered over.

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:33 am
by HappyGilmore
As a kid, I really loved The Food Album and Tv Album. I got them since I was just getting into Al and didn't know how many albums he'd had and didn't know they were compilations, until I bought the rest.

I haven't listened to the TV Album in 15 years. Food gets a spin once a year or so.

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:40 am
by Big Spoon
The Food Album was the second CD of Al's I ever got (after Running With Scissors.) The TV albums was also early on - something like the fourth.

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:28 am
by Well, Well, Well
The first album I got was bad hair day, after which I got the 2 greatest hits comps. I listened to those a lot and eventually got OTDE because I was a big nirvana fan. I also got his debut around this time I think and I remember being surprised that some of the songs weren't on the first GH. To this day I still don't own polka party or in 3d on cd because I never got around to it or got it on mp3 at some point (I did buy in 3d on vinyl recently).

I really don't listen to full albums lately for any band. Some of the songs from his early albums i know but couldnt sing to or tell you what the style parody was originally from. When i do come back to them sometimes they impress me more than i remembered. Overall my least listened to albums would be polka party, in 3d, and poodle hat of late.

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:47 pm
by Waffle King
I only ever got the first Greatest Hits album. I never found it cost effective to buy an album of something you already own 99% of. I did buy it on both cassette and CD,so that has to count for something!

But I figure GH albums are more for the casual fan,not die hards.

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:02 am
by Yankomaniac
That is correct. Used to have it as a child on CD but where it ever disappeared to I will never know. Remains one of the biggest mysteries of my life. Along with the disappearance of my original TV Album cassette. Had Greatest Hits Volume II for many years but lent it to a friend along with a Megadeth DVD and he lost them.

Re: Unheard/Rarely Played Albums

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 6:30 am
by claykid12345
i hadnt heard Good Enough For Now until a few months ago. and ive been an al fan for 3 years