So...about that upcoming ALbum...

Love the music and CD's of Weird Al? Do you have comments on it? You can post it here!

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Post by scottidog »

QUOTE Go to . I don't have a clue if it is \"real\" or just some dope trying to start a new rumor chain. I think it is still interesting to read.

Ok. Call me a grouch. I haven't started a flame war yet, but maybe this will change it...

Isn't cross posting a no-no at WOWAY? I have read this same post in at least three different places here.

And yeah. I think the "article" is a spoof albeit a pretty lame one. The Onion article was a much better parody.

QUOTE Well, Al might do one metal song, but prob'ly not a whole album's worth.

I guess it depends on how you define metal, but since Yound Dumb And Ugly is a style parody of AC/DC (isn't it?) then he has done at least one.

Now, Al doing Pat doing metal could be funny.
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Post by Orthography Enthusiast »


I guess it depends on how you define metal, but since Yound Dumb And Ugly is a style parody of AC/DC (isn't it?) then he has done at least one.

I guess what I was really trying to say was one metal song on a given album, as opposed to a whole album's worth. A whole album's worth... ewwww. I might settle for just READING the lyrics on that one.

I haven't heard "Young, Dumb And Ugly" yet. Still haven't got Polka Party or Alapalooza (but I will, I will, I promise I will).
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Post by scottidog »

QUOTE I guess what I was really trying to say was one metal song on a given album, as opposed to a whole album's worth. A whole album's worth... ewwww. I might settle for just READING the lyrics on that one.  

I haven't heard \"Young, Dumb And Ugly\" yet. Still haven't got Polka Party or Alapalooza (but I will, I will, I promise I will).

Uh, yeah. I might have to sit that one out myself. Who am I kidding? I would buy it. If it was a WAY ALbum, I would buy it.

I don't have Polka Party either. But Alapalooza is good. Not the best, IMO, but still good. Best song? Frank's 2000" TV. Worth the price of the CD for that one alone.
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Post by Johnnytimewarp »

"Young, Dumb and Ugly" was actually a style parody of Guns 'N Roses. Al said this himself in Ask Al somewhere (now go play detective, boys and girls, and find it). I could tell right away that Weird Al metal album article was a joke cause it mentions too many artists that only a diehard metalhead such as myself would recognize. If that album ever came out, I'd die from a combination of happiness and disbelief...
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Post by scottidog »

Well, if he did say it, I couldn't find it in Ask Al. And to me it sounds like an AC/DC style parody, but given that I don't know if I have ever actually heard a Gun's N Roses song, maybe I don't know what I am talking about.

I looked at and it is just listed as an original.

Either way, it would classify as a Metal Style Parody wouldn't it? Which was my original point.

I could tell right away that Weird Al metal album article was a joke cause it mentions too many artists that only a diehard metalhead such as myself would recognize.

I don't know if Al is a metalhead, but I would bet he's pretty familiar with the genre and who's who. It's kinda his thing to know lots about different musical styles. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to do such dead on parodies.
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Post by JDTurnbull272 »

As Al is always saying "I wait for the next boom in pop culture" then he releases his album. What else is popular other than Metal? Rap? He probably won't be parodying Britney Spears or N'Sync, cause they just aren't very popular anymore(at least I don't think so.) He will most likely be parodying popular songs. It wouldn' be like Al to parody songs that no one ever heard of, unless of course it was an original of his own. Even if he has SOME metal songs, he will also have some pop, and maybe even some rap.
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Post by scottidog »

He probably won't be parodying Britney Spears or N'Sync

Good grief, I hope he doesn't legitimize anything by these kookie kutter kids.

You know I have been noticing a bunch of, how do I say it delicately... um, older artists releasing stuff: Springsteen, James Taylor, Santana, Tom Petty. Wonder if that's a trend Al is watching?

I was also thinking tonight, that what's his symbol thingy missed the boat. He is such a has been at this point, he wouldn't probably be eligible for the WAY treatment even if he begged for it. Poetic justice, ain't it?
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Post by JDTurnbull272 »

[quote="scottidog I was also thinking tonight, that what's his symbol thingy missed the boat. He is such a has been at this point, he wouldn't probably be eligible for the WAY treatment even if he begged for it. Poetic justice, ain't it?[/quote]

Who is "what's his symbol thingy?" A singer or something?
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Post by scottidog »

Ah, the youth of today...

That would be "Prince".

Hey, speaking of which, I found an Al quote that touched on just the point I was making:

I've been refused, but it's pretty rare. Most artists know that it's all done in good fun and all that. Prince or The Artist Formerly Known As or.. what's he calling himself this week? Shirley? I forget. He's never let me do anything which would have meant something back when he was actually putting out hits... He's never seen fit to let me do a parody, though. We'd call him up every couple of years to see if he'd acquired a sense of humour and he never did, actually.

<The emphasis is mine.>
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Post by Moneybags »

I read in an interview back in the Bad Hair Day era that two artists that Al had wanted to parody were Bruce Springsteen and Guns 'N' Roses. Now, Bruce Springsteen's got his new, extremely popular album out now, but I'm stuck wondering if the content of The Rising is too serious to be parodied.

As for Guns 'N', I understand their guitarist wears a mask and a KFC bucket and refers to himself as "Buckethead". I get the feeling that despite his feelings back in '96, Al most likely won't touch them with a 27-foot pole.
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