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Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:25 pm
by HappyBirthday1983
QUOTE Least favorite song?

The Hot Rocks Polka..

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! i love the hot rocks polka...but then again i also love the rolling stones....but it sounds like any of his other can you not like it?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:55 pm
by CatraDhtem
QUOTE I've never hear 'Terrible lie' before

Clear Channel "hard rock" stations usually keep it in their general playlists.

But if you're not that patient and you're dying to hear just a snippet of it, there's a sound file on Amazon's page for the group's "Pretty Hate Machine" album.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:35 am
by Zelda
Girls just wanna have lunch

Airline Amy

a few others...

Least favorite polka is definitely the one from Bad Hair Day!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 5:17 am
by DrDecay
QUOTE Girls just wanna have lunch

Airline Amy

a few others...

Least favorite polka is definitely the one from Bad Hair Day!

I do agree with Girls Just wanna have lunch, but I loved the polka from the bad hair day album, but everyone has there opinion and has the right to it. Also I am not to fond of Twister, or Toothless People. Plus I am not fond of Jerry Springer, probably because I don't even like the show in the fist place.


Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 6:25 am
by BillyW3
QUOTE Plus, he uses that \"NOT!\" joke in it, which I never thought was all that funny on Wayne's World to begin with, plus it really dates the song.

I agree that the"NOT!" catchphrase was really annoying, the fact that it dates the song can't really be a reason for disliking "I Was Only Kidding", because most of AL's music is "dated" since the parodies are currently popular songs, or he writes about current events/fads in the lyrics. One reason why AL waits until the last minute to write and record the parodies are so they will be funny/relevant when the album is released, but by the nature of the beast, they are also dated rather quickly. Only when AL parodies an all-time classic like "American Pie" does the song have a chance of not being dated.

I personally don't really care for "Let Me Be Your Hog". It's just not that funny to me.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 8:18 am
by uncle_nutsy
I don't care for "Such a Groovy Guy" and "Waffle King".

Add another notch for "Germs", it's my least favorite.

(Scanning over this topic, I think Germs wins hands down.)

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 8:30 am
by Orthography Enthusiast
Add another notch for "Germs", it's my least favorite.

(Scanning over this topic, I think Germs wins hands down.)

I wonder if those anti-Germs votes are being juiced by guys who took dates to TWS concerts and then had to watch their girls watch Al writhe in fishnet. Or even just by dateless guys who fail to appreciate the subtle artistic merits of Al writhing in fishnet.

I wasn't all that enamored with Germs, though I liked the lyrics, when I first heard it, because I'm not all that enamored of the NIN-ish musical genre. But once I SAW the song on the concert video, I was a convert. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:24 am
by uncle_nutsy
I wonder if those anti-Germs votes are being juiced by guys who took dates to TWS concerts and then had to watch their girls watch Al writhe in fishnet. Or even just by dateless guys who fail to appreciate the subtle artistic merits of Al writhing in fishnet.

Huh? :huh:

To be specific it felt like a rushed song and didn't seem like his best effort. I didn't want to be specifically crititcal about it since I'm not a music critic, but the topic is "Least favorite Al song". I didn't like the song before hand. The concert performance of "Germs" did actually make the song a little more interesting. I doubt Al "writhing in fishnet" had anything to do with his "artisitic merits" though.

On the flip side, if Al was a chick, I could see your point of view.

(There's a thought...) :crazy:

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:22 pm
by Jigawatt
My girlfriend particularly enjoyed the whole Germs writing-in-fishnet thing as well, and I don't hold it against her, or the song... I guess if I have to share her affection it might as well be with Al. :) I also liked the song more after seeing it live a bunch of times.

As for my least favorite, I guess She Never Told Me She Was a Mime. I tend to skip over that one more than any other one.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:25 pm
by Teh Dingo
I actually didn't like Germs very much until I heard Terrible Lie. Halfway through, I was like "Wow...this sounds familliar"

And by the way, guess what NIN song just came on my radio? Who's playing with the programmers? (I'm dead serious, too)

Velvet Elvis has it's moments for me. Sometimes I hate it, sometimes I hate it not as much. But She never told me she was a mime will probably always be my least favorite. A mime would be a funny parody subject though.