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Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:17 pm
by yankochick38
I don't feel like digging through 30 pages to see if/when this was already talked about, so I'm making a new topic. :P

Al did a livestream back in 2009 to answer Twitter questions and talk about Internet Leaks, and currently, the recording still exists (yay!). As far as I'm aware, this was/is his first and only livestream (even though he keeps saying that he's definitely going to do more during this one!).

Livestreaming has advanced greatly since 2009, especially with the rise of Periscope where anyone is able to start a broadcast on their phone at any time and see comments and likes on the same screen. You're also able to livestream directly from Youtube, where the recording could be saved as a Youtube video for ease of future viewing. Do you think Al would ever want or have any reason to livestream in the future? I definitely think it would be something for Al and His People to look into. Livestreaming doesn't even have to be such a formal thing anymore - I get Periscope notifications from Team Coco where they just livestream the stage during commercial breaks. And you know what? People watch it!

Currently, this topic is mostly to serve the purpose of having the link to the recording of that one Ustream out where people can find it, as well as discussing/convincing Al doing any future livestreaming. That grammar is odd but I didn't quite know how to word it so that's what you get!
If Al DOES livestream in the future, post about it here! :magic:

Re: UStream/Livestreaming

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:21 pm
by KatrinatheGood
Me thinks Al doing another live stream would be heaps of fun! I've never seen the first one before so I have to watch today. Live streaming back stage of a concert or something like that would be pretty cool.

Re: UStream/Livestreaming

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:33 pm
by yankochick38
KatrinatheGood wrote:Live streaming back stage of a concert or something like that would be pretty cool.
I volunteer to be the Periscoper on the crew. :#

Re: UStream/Livestreaming

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:54 pm
by Mystik Tomato
Al for AGDQ

Re: UStream/Livestreaming

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:22 pm
by minnick27
He had another one scheduled but he was in Hawaii and their Internet was awful and it was never rescheduled


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:23 pm
by Heds
I'd like to see him stream on Twitch. While it's mainly for gaming there's been a Creative section recently launched (with a Bob Ross marathon every Monday) and Monstercat also stream there. It would be good to have a interview-type stream every once in a while. Al and TBITB should really consider it, an AMA-type thing every Friday or whatever day suits them - I know they have a busy schedule, especially Al as he controls and works through the band.

Re: UStream/Livestreaming

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:46 pm
by minnick27
Every week is too much. They shut down Ask Al because the questions got too repetitive, and that was only once a month