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The Al Story Game

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:07 am
by Annie27

1. Post an Al related picture. It doesn't have to be a pic of Al or anything. It just has to be Al related. It can be any character he has played, shows he's done, picture representing a song lyric, whatever. As long as it is related to Al in some way it works.

2. The person who posts the picture starts the story that the pic inspires. There is a minimum requirement of one sentence. There is no maximum. Then the next person adds something to the story and it continues. If someone wants to stop the story and start over with a new pic, great! Just end the story and then post a new pic.

The story can be about anything you want. Al doesn't have to be in it or he can. Be creative as you can!

Here's a starter!

He was in search of the perfect cheese sandwich. He figured if he took an old standby food and made it into something special, it would go a long way to getting into the culinary school he wanted. As he looked over various cheeses, there was a knock on his door. He went to answer, and there she was-the Eastern European beauty he had been crushing on ever since she moved into the building. Raya asked, "Could I trouble you for some milk? I really don't want to go to the store at this time of night just for one thing."

"Oh, sure!" he replied, trying to think of a way to start a conversation, "I have plenty."
"What are you doing?" Raya asked.
"Oh, trying to make something to help me get into culinary school. I am still trying to decide what to put in this thing."
"Well," Raya said seductively, "I know you can do this. Just think outside the box a bit. Then for sure you will eventually acheive pobeda-that is a Slavic word for victory."

Edit: The only time you are supposed to post a picture is when stating a story. Do not post pictures when continuing a story.

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:03 am
by rockabillynurse

And with that Raya returned to her apartment, arms overflowing with cartons of milk. Her admirer felt certain that his ample knowledge and supply of dairy products was the key to her heart.

He pondered for a few moments. "Think outside the box? But I'm so...average!", he thought as he flopped down into his perfectly average eyeball chair. But wait! He knew who he could talk to...

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:07 am
by BullMoose
Al remembered the time machine he had made using an old clock the week prior. "I know EXACTLY who to talk to!"
He jumped out of his eyeball chair and quickly installed the time machine into his videophone. He looked over his piece of work and then to Harvy, who gave him a thumbs up. "Gosh, I really hope this works!" he gulped, and pressed the big red button.


The sound of a phone ringing played on a black screen. Al crossed his fingers when an image appeared on the screen, followed by a confused voice.
"Hello? Who is this? You sound.... very familiar... Do I know you?"
It worked.

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:47 pm
by KatrinatheGood
It was Harvey the Wonder Hamster. He was in shock to hear the voice Al, his best friend in the whole wide world. He was confused as to why he was receiving a transmission from Al...

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:56 am
by Abbeybunny
"What do you need help with?" asked Harvey.

"I really need to know how to think outside the box!" replied Al.

"In order to think outside the box," Harvey began to say, "you need to work with people you are unfamiliar with."

Al thought that was a bit dangerous, but he considered the possibility because his best friend in the world suggested it to him.

"So, who do you think I should ask to help me?" Al asked Harvey.

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:01 am
by Annie27
"Prince", said Harvey.

"Prince"?! Al said disbelievingly.

"He's someone you're unfamiliar with" Harvey explained.

"Only because he wants nothing to do with me" Al laughed.

"Prince is rather strange and often thinks outside the box, and anyway he just didn't want you to parody him, he might help you," said Harvey.

"Well if you think it's best I suppose I could try," Al said in a quiet voice.

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 6:58 am
by Capybara

Al hoped that Prince would be willing to help him. He's never agreed with Al in the past, the stubborn little guy.

Al decided to give him a call on the phone. The last time Al tried contacting Prince was through e-mail. It was near incomprehensible because of all of the numbers he substituted for letters. Al knew not to make that mistake again.

He dialed the number and began to listen...

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:49 am
by Big Spoon
... and he was greeted by a familiar voice. "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you need help hang up and then dial your operator."

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:43 pm
by mellow weasel
For a moment he got really upset, but then he rethought what he just heard. "If you need help hang up and then dial your operator". He does need help. He also is unfamiliar with the operator, just like Harvey recommended. This could work! He dialed the number hoping they won't sue him for wasting the company's time with off-topic questions...

Re: The Al Story Game

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 1:21 pm
by Heds
But then it turns out his operator is an ACCORDION!