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Ask anyone?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 5:33 am
by Jebediah
Aw, jeez, I'm sorry I missed the chat. And I had some questions too. In fact, I'm sure plenty of people had more questions. (light bulb) Hey Bermuda, is there any possible slightest chance that you could possibly reopen Ask Bermuda please please please please please? I realize you have a lot to do, but could you possibly try to squeeze it in, even if it's only open for a week or so? You said that the good questions had run out, but I'm sure we have plenty of questions about the new album. But if you're too busy, I'll understand.... ::sigh::

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 5:58 am
by scottidog
Ask Bermuda would be awesome. Jon closed it up just shortly before I discovered WOWAY.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 6:03 am
by sarah_yzma
maybe it could be opened just long enough to post questions (like 10 minutes or so) then Bermuda could get to them at his leisure....


Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 6:21 am
by scottidog
If there was a way to make it easier on Bermuda... maybe the peeps who already have admin rights could accept questions, sort them to get rid of or consolidate the repeats so that he doesn't have to slog through a zillion of them.

I would volunteer to help, but I don't have admin rights so I'm volunteering the services of other people.


It also seems to me that if something like that could be set up it might make Ask Al more do-able. Asking Al or Bermuda to go through thousands of questions, especially repeat ones and already answered 27 million times, is just ridiculous. I can't blame them for not wanting to do it.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 6:22 am
by JDTurnbull272
Ask Bermuda would be awesome. Jon closed it up just shortly before I discovered WOWAY.

I discovered it sometime in June, got an account in like, August or something, but then temporairily moved to Vermont and when I came back I couldn't access my old account anymore (J_Man272) so I came up with the current one I have and here I am today. I was pretty bummed out to realize I had missed out on asking Bermuda any questions. I had intended to when I first found this forum. At least I got to ask him one during yesterday's chat! I hope there will be another! :biggrin:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 6:28 am
by sarah_yzma
there are tons of fans here who would love to help in that sort of way!


Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 6:34 am
by anthontherun
Jon said it closed because of a lack of original questions--but they'd be avoided if they went through a middleman to check if something's been asked before...

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 8:54 am
by Dr_Dad

And remember, NEVER say Bermie.
Why never say Bermie?

Because Bermuda himself SAID SO -- right here!!!
My name is Bermuda, or Jon, and no other versions and variations are acceptable to me.

And if you want to know how and when he got the name "Bermuda", click here.

Glad to be of service!

Dr. Dad

P.S. He doesn't like "Berm" either ..... :bomb:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 9:13 am
by sarah_yzma
*writes note to self on scrap of paper*


Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 9:14 am
by Dr_Dad
Jon said it closed because of a lack of original questions--but they'd be avoided if they went through a middleman to check if something's been asked before...

I'd be happy to act as a middleman / filter / garbage disposal for said questions. As my answer above to the "Berm" question demonstrates, I can and do find most answers to many previously answered Q's and can generally give direct links to the "proof", as they say. Most answers can be found here in WOWAYF or in "Ask Al" or in AMW-A or in various print or electronic media. If desired, I can shoot the info directly to the questioner or post it in the forum for public consumption -- and forward only the unanswered [or unanswerable?!?! :nervous: ] questions to WhiZZI, Jon, or [*gasp*] even Al himself, if need be.

Hmmmm .... the wheels in that tiny head of mine are cranking ... must ponder how to do this the right way ...

Please let me know if I can help in any way!

Dr. Dad

[excitedly giggling about the possibilities ... as only a forty-something year-old physician can giggle ... :P ]