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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:40 pm
by anthontherun
Tribal Council #1


This is where you will answer for your actions and your contributions to the tribe. Please take a torch and light it in the fire.

At Tribal Council, fire represents life on the island. When your fire's gone, so are you.

This is how we'll vote:

Each of you will send me a Private Message with the name of the person you want to vote out of the tribe. Please use their actual SCREENNAME, so that it will be easier for me to tally the votes. You can include a reason if you'd like, but you don't have to. Once you've cast your vote, you may not change it. If any Tribe Members fail to vote by 8 PM EST, Wednesday, February 1, their vote will count as an automatic vote against them. Once all the votes have been cast, I will tally and then read the votes.

Image Big Spoon
Image TMBJon
Image MissyMoo38
Image Killingsworth
Image AAAmerah
Image Mystik Tomato
Image FreakyGeeky
Image RyanHippFTW
Image The Doctor

One of you will be the first person voted out of Weird Al Survivor IX. Another will be kidnapped by the Jungle Cruise Guides immediately following Tribal Council results. (Tree Mail will be posted at the same time.)

If there are any questions about Tribal Council, ask them here, but remember to keep all Chit Chat in the Chit Chat thread.

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:42 pm
by anthontherun
Jungle Cruise Guides--I'll be posting a thread about the kidnapping in your tribe forum shortly. But for now, feel free to adopt this immunity avatar:

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:44 am
by anthontherun
I don't think this is going to matter for the first vote, but the policy on tiebreakers has varied in the past, so I figure it's best to establish it right out of the way...

If there is a tie between two or more players, these are the steps on how we'll break it.

1. Any player(s) who voted for someone not involved in the tie will revote. (Obviously, this excludes any contestant who is themselves part of the tie. For example, if there's a tie between Driew and sarley, and Driew had voted for GIM, Driew would not be able to revote.) If this does not break the tie...
2. We'll look at votes cast against the tied players in previous Tribal Councils. Whoever has more is out. If this does not break the tie...
3. The tied players and I will agree on a mutually acceptable time. At least one hour before that time, all the players involved in the tie must PM me with an Al trivia question of their choosing (that can be verified on The questions will be posted at the designated time, and whoever answers their opponent's question correctly first remains in the game.

These will be the tiebreaker procedures for the entirety of the game. Ask here if you have any questions. I know I've inundated you guys with a lot of rules over the past few days but I just wanna make sure everything is covered before it comes up! Let me know if you can think of anything I've forgotten.

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:12 am
by anthontherun

Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. That person will also relinquish their Survivor avatar and return to their normal avatar as soon as possible.

A reminder: Please don't take it too personally if you are voted out. No vote for any individual should be taken as an assault on or insult to them as a person or as a member of this forum. Remember, we are all still friends here in WOWAY. But remember too -- this is a GAME, and it is a game in which players must do what they must strategically in order to win!

I'll read the votes.

(Highlight the quote boxes to read the individual votes. Read one at a time for dramatic effect!)
This vote was unanimous, so let's just cut to the chase...

The first person voted out of Weird Al Survivor IX...

FreakyGeeky, the tribe has spoken. Remember to relinquish your Survivor, that was fast!

It's time for you to go.
Please feel free to say some final words or leave a goodbye message in this thread.

The rest of you Survivors, remember to keep the chit chat in the other thread!

Jungle Cruise Guides, you need to remove your immunity avatars. You can find your tribe avatar in the first post in this thread.

Congratulations to those of you who survived this first Tribal Council. With FreakyGeeky gone, you now have a fully active team so we'll see if that makes a difference in these upcoming challenges. Minor Celebrities, you guys can head back to camp.

Well, except for one of you......


The Jungle Cruise Guides have decided to kidnap...

In a moment, you will lose access to your tribe's forum and see the Jungle Cruise Guides forum. You'll stay there until the next challenge is posted, unless of course you decide to permanently join that tribe.

Stay tuned for Tree Mail, posted in a few minutes!

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:24 am
by anthontherun
Killingsworth, you should be all set with the Jungle Cruise Guides. Please let me know if there's anything amiss.

Just to clarify--Killingsworth will only play the next challenge with the Jungle Cruise Guides if he chooses to switch tribes. Otherwise, he'll be playing as a Minor Celebrity.


The next challenge will be posted tomorrow night, Thursday, February 2 at 8 PM EST (which is also Killingsworth's deadline to switch). This challenge is not a race and will not require live participation at any point, although the earlier you show up, the more time you'll have for planning.

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:45 am
by Killingsworth
After much careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons, I have finally made my decision.


I would like to REMAIN a member of the "minor celebrities" for the duration of the game rather than defect to the "Jungle Cruise Rides".

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:08 am
by anthontherun
Sounds good. You will officially return to the Minor Celebrities right before tomorrow night's challenge.

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:34 am
by Killingsworth
Thanks, Anth!

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:57 am
by anthontherun

I've decided that, in a continued attempt to boost strategic discussion (and paranoia of course :ph34r: ), during the kidnapping phases, each tribe will have a thread that will be archived before the next challenge is posted. So to use this round's example, whatever the Minor Celebrities discuss in their thread will be moved out before Killingsworth returns, and whatever the Jungle Cruise Guides + Killingsworth discuss in their thread will be moved out and cannot be seen by any Minor Celebrities who are kidnapped in future rounds. This will apply even if the player does decide to switch tribes permanently.

But of course, whatever you choose to share in PMs is entirely up to you.

As always, if there are any questions, ask away. Sorry for the late notice on this!

Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:00 am
by Kevbo1987
IC 2: I Don't Boycott the Music Video Channel:

In this challenge, each Tribe will write and perform a parody of one of Weird Al’s original songs. For the performance portion of the challenge, each Tribe must record their video performance of the song and upload it to YouTube. The performance MUST be a capella (for those of you who are musically challenged, that means no instruments). The performance may feature contributions from as many Tribe members as you see fit. In addition to uploading the performance to YouTube, each Tribe must submit the text of their parody. The text of the parody and a link to the video performance of the parody must be posted in the Challenge #2 Submission thread no later than 8 p.m. Wednesday, February 8. The challenge will be judged by a non-WOWAY member, and the results will be announced on Thursday, February 9.
Entries will be evaluated based on originality, creativity, humor of lyrics, and creativity of performance. Any performance that includes the playing of musical instruments will be automatically disqualified.

Any questions may of course be directed my way through PM or in the Chit Chat thread.