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Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:41 am
by Bruce the Duck
DrSteggy @ Mar 13 2005, 08:31 PM wrote: I did flat out lie to a few people (though I imagine they know who they are
Like I said, "Most Deserving Winner Since.....ME!" >:)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:32 pm
by Elvis
To the best of my recollection: If anyone cares....

My Survivor Adventure


I knew anth would be the person to beat, and have alliances he could call upon all over the place, so my only hope was to make sure I was one of them. I told him flat out that I didn't care to win, I wasn't even that excited to be playing because I wouldn't be playing long, but if he could make sure I stayed in the game until the merge or so, I'd let him call in a favor later in the game -- like give up my immunity to him, or throw a challenge so he won -- something like that.

Anth jumped at the chance to align and told me he was already in an alliance with Driew and they were working on the votes to target gtrmu in the first TC (Remember, at this time, everyone thought there was still 2 tribes, split by profile color.) Fair enough, as long as I wasn't the target, I was on board. Driew was an added bonus, but since I didn't ask for the alliance with him, I didn't feel the need to be loyal to him if it came down to it. I'd see how it played out. Anth asked me to contact doggans and see if he wanted to join our alliance. I sent doggans a PM, but it remained unread for a few days, then once it was read, I received no response, so I told anth that I didn't think we could trust him.

The day before the game started, I contacted M3m3s, iisryan27, and gtrmu and formed alliances with all of them as well. I also had an obvious alliance with DrSteggy. My only concern was how to juggle the alliances, so I decided I'd just share the info I knew when it was to my advantage, but not offer any additional information. As the game started, Driew set up a Yahoo! group and I found myself in an alliance with GIM, Kevbo, gtrmu, anth, Driew, and DrSteggy. GIM and Kevbo were added bonus I didn't need to feel any loyalty to, but I trusted them from the beginning, so I didn't think I'd have any trouble with either.

Challenge #1: "One Tribe Surprise"

The plan was still to take gtrmu out of the game so I'm not sure why he was invited to the group. I had an alliance with him, but the others didn't know. Fortunately we weren't in tribes, and Anth and Driew won the first challenge, so we were looking good. But then we got word that weirdallie27 was targeting DrSteggy, I was able to convince Anth that we needed to protect our alliance (and my alliance with gtrmu) so we went after weirdallie27 instead. I told gtrmu that I would vote for ccs, but I had no intention of voting for ccs.

We needed a couple more votes, so I contacted doggans and ccs. doggans told me that he was swamped with schoolwork, which is why he didn't answer my previous note, but he was on board. At that point I knew he'd do whatever I told him to, or worst case, not show and vote for himself. ccs said he was on board as long as gtrmu was next, which didn't seem to be a problem, since that's what the group wanted anyway. ccs turned out to be a very valuable alliance to me throughout the game. DrSteggy got Mecca on board, and he wanted a Final Three alliance with me and her in return. So it turned out that the last person we contacted for an alliance, turned out to be our best alliance partner. :)

Challenge #2: "Beard Hal Rhyme Time"

gtrmu was deleted from the group so that we could talk more freely. The next challenge, I won immunity and almost gave my second immunity to gtrmu because he was the next target, and careful analysis of the votes, showed that although there was a traitor among us and I didn't know who he was, gtrmu actually did vote for ccs as he promised me, so I could trust him. I decided that I needed the help of anth and group more than I needed the help of gtrmu alone, so I gave my second immunity to DrSteggy, since it was pretty obvious to everyone that I had an alliance with her anyway.

When it came down to vote, there was more than the majority, so I knew gtrmu was going home, but I still felt a loyalty to him, so I couldn't vote for him. I held off my vote as long as possible to mess with Jeremy's mind (remember, if you don't vote, the vote goes against you, but I had immunity, so I couldn't receive a vote, >:)), and it was a good thing I did, because Melissa uncovered that Driew actually voted for DrSteggy and betrayed us in the first TC. I brought this to the attention of anth, and he was pissed, so Driew would be the next to go. It was too late to do anything then because most of the votes had already been cast. I told anth, I would vote for Driew this time in case there was a tie next time, we'd have the advantage of not having to go to a tiebreaker. This worked out great for me because I was still loyal to gtrmu by not voting for him, and still loyal to my alliance with anth as well. Plus as far as everyone else knew I had voted for gtrmu.

I almost made a fatal mistake by tellng gtrmu, after the fact, that I voted for Driew. Word got back to Driew and he approached me about it. I carefully worded my response and Driew bought it. Meantime, Mecca was invited to the Yahoo! group.

Challenge #3: "Al's Co-workers Reprise"

Melissa had first choice, I told her to pick me, because I knew I did well in the challenge (close enough only for spacedingo to edge me by a few points), and with both of us on the same tribe, we wouldn't go to TC. Plus people would think she chose me because of the points I received, not because we had an alliance. When Jeremy split the tribes again, this was only a minor inconvienience because of my strong alliance with Melissa. I chose GIM first because he was in the big alliance and anth and DrSteggy were already chosen. My next choice was ccs because of our secret alliance, which would give me a majority vote if we went to TC. My next choice was mewrio, only because I knew he actually submitted something. Last choice was doggans because if he showed up to vote, he would vote with me as well. If not, he'd vote himself off eventually.

We lost the points total (no surprise really with ccs and doggans on the tribe) so at the first TC, I was all set for mewrio to go. GIM wiould vote with me, and I'd let ccs and doggans know to vote for mewrio. And if they didn't vote, no big deal, because they'd vote for themselves, and GIM and I would still have majority. My only concern was that mewrio would be more helpful in challenges than ccs or doggans. But then someone alerted me that Jeremy posted updated rules that if a tribe only has 3 members, it gets dissolved. That allowed us to keep mewrio one more time, and drop some unreliable deadweight. So, I told mewrio and GIM to vote for doggans. This also built some trust between mewrio and myself, which would come into play near the end of the game.

Challenge #4: "Disgusting Food Competition"

All of the group challenges (except the first) were all about winning immunity for my tribe. At this point in the game, I was part of a few strong alliances, and I felt pretty comfortable that my tribe mates would keep me around for the group challenges, and as long as we won immunity, we wouldn't get disbanded or go to Tribal Council, and I could just sit back and let the other tribes pick each other off. For the group challenges, I stayed in close contact with anth, Melissa, and Jackie to make sure my alliance members stayed safe, and so that I knew who was going home each time, but I didn't worry too much how the votes would go.

If we lost this challenge, GIM, ccs. and I would vote for mewrio, and I'd tell mewrio to vote for GIM, under the pretext that GIM was a stronger player than ccs, so we needed him out before he helped another tribe. ccs's vote really didn't matter again, as GIM and I would have majority without him.

Challenge #5: "Thread Posting"

This challenge was, again, all about winning immunity for my tribe. If we lost, same scenario as above, mewrio would have gone home. Plus, after the challenge, we picked up spacedingo when his tribe disbanded, so that made our tribe all that much stronger, and me all that much safer.

Challenge #6: "Video Scavenger Hunt"

Another group challenge where I just tried to win immunity and didn't care how the other tribes voted. mewrio was still on the chopping block for us if we had lost. But alas, no TC for us, and here's where my previous vote against Driew came back to haunt him. >:)

Challenge #7: "Go Fish For Parodies"

Another group challenge. mewrio still on the chopping block. No need for TC, as we won immunity again.

Challenge #8: "The Big Pun Challenge"

Another group challenge. Same story. After this challenge we picked up anth and Fintron.

Challenge #9: "Picture Puzzle Maze"

Melissa and I won immunity, while the rest of our tribes went to TC. Kevbo quit, meaning only my tribe had to go to TC. Fintron got voted out solely because he was the new guy. Losing Kevbo here was a mixed blessing because he had been a very loyal alliance member, and probably would have stuck to the alliance to the end. But at the same time, I felt Kevbo would be more loyal to anth than myself if it ever came down to it. So I think it was good for me that he left. I still felt I had the alliances I needed to protect myself from votes anyway.

Challenge #10: "THE OUTCASTS' REVENGE!"

The tribes shuffled again, and once the dust settled, I found myself on a tribe with AlsGal27, Mecca, anth, mewrio. and GIM. My tribe lost this one, but it was a unanimous decision to get rid of another deadbeat, AlsGal27.

Challenge #11: "Mock Interview Mix-Up"

We won immunity on this one, but had we lost, I believe mewrio was once again on the chopping block. I learned that Jackie and Melissa were targeting numbers, but their plan involved making sure ccs voted. Despite my constant and relentless PMs to ccs reminding him to vote every single time, ccs forgot to vote this time and voted himself out. And I lost one of my secret alliances. :(

Challenge #12: "Tribal Council Parody"

I got to play Robert DeNiro's Mole on this one, and my scheming wasn't good enough. Because my tribe won, I went to TC with Jackie, Mecca, numbers, Alexis, and spacedingo. All 10 people voted. Spacedingo did what I felt people should have been doing from the beginning of the game, he tried to get people to vote for me! But at that point, I was in a tight alliance with everyone except mewrio, numbers, and Alexis. But numbers and Alexis had an alliance with Melissa and Jackie, and I used the trust I built up with mewrio to get him to vote for spacedingo, and we unanimously voted out spacedingo. . (True, Mecca voted for Alexis, but he jumped the gun. It didn't matter though, as long as it was a vote for anyone other than me, we still had majority.)

Challenge #13: "The Pecking Order"

I believe at this point, anth and I agreed that numbers would be the next to go. In the game play, I threw a few votes Mecca's way to throw off our alliance, and Jackie and I came down to the final two. Jackie went on to win immunity and Al's Buddy Reward. She chose to wipe her vote total clean, and almost immediately, Mecca got word that anth wanted to vote me out, and he already had GIM on board. Mecca shared that information with Melissa, Jackie, and I, and I immediately decided that anth had to go. To throw him off, Mecca replied to anth telling him he'd vote for me, even though he'd actually vote for anth.

We were reaching out to numbers, Alexis, and mewrio, when Mecca got another PM from anth. Anth's plan was starting to fall apart. GIM changed his mind and refused to vote for me. Instead GIM wanted to vote out Melissa. Anth sent me a PM telling me that Mecca wanted to vote for me, and that we should just take Mecca out. Right after that, he, sent another one telling me that GIM wanted to vote Melissa out. Then anth started to panic. He tried to call in my favor that if he helped me get to the merge, that I'd take a dive for him. But it was really too late for him. I used his notes against him to solidify my alliance with Mecca and Melissa, and we blind-sided anth.

Challenge #14: "The Star Wars 28th Anniversary Commemorative Challenge"

Our plan was to vote out GIM this time, since he was the only one to side with anth. But GIM won immunity. So it came down to whether to get rid of numbers or Alexis. We decided to get rid of numbers, because we weren't sure of his previous voting record.

Challenge #15: "Six Degrees of Twists"

No immunity and no reward on this challenge, but I don't think it would have mattered. Melissa was the intended target from the beginning, because Jackie and I were starting to get worried that Melissa might not be true to our alliance. We were pretty confident that GIM would vote for her with us, because he wanted Melissa out previously. And mewrio was voting however I asked him to, so with Mecca and Jackie, I had the votes we needed to get rid of Melissa. And we were right on about her not intending to stay true, because after the challenge, Melissa approached Jackie and Mecca about voting me off. She convinced Alexis to vote for me telling Alexis that she wanted an all girl Final 3 with Jackie. Mecca and Jackie stayed true to me, and we voted out Melissa.

Challenge #16: "Weird Al Logic Puzzle"

The next target was Alexis, but a twist put anth back in the game, and that pretty much meant I was going home. :( We were always at least one vote ahead of what we needed, but with anth's vote it forced a tie. Unfortunately, if I went head to head with anyone in a tie, I would have lost because of my previous votes. I tried to win back Alexis's and GM's vote, but I knew it was a longshot. I decided that if I couldn't win, then surely I wasn't going to let those responsible for voting me off win!!! >:) I got a guarantee from Jackie and Mecca that if I was voted out, they would avenge my death. Their next target would be GIM, followed by Alexis.

Mewrio, Jackie, and Mecca voted for Alexis with me, but anth convinced Alexis and GIM to use his double vote, and vote me out. My game was over. Now I'd just have to sit back and wait for Jackie and Mecca to get to the Final Two. I was so confident that they would make it to the Final Two, that I wrote the comments that I used at the Final TC the night I got voted out. I used them word for word at the Final TC.

Winter Hiatus

Spent a nice relaxing week in Las Vegas, at the Hoover Dam, and at the Grand Canyon. :whoot:

Challenge #17: "The Medley From Hell!"

All I know is Jackie spent every free moment she had working on this thing. As they promised me, Mecca and Jackie voted off GIM.

Challenge #18: "All Star Trivia"

Once again, as they promised me, Mecca and Jackie voted off Alexis.

Challenge #19: "Every Song Ever Written in the History of the World"

At this point it was obvious that if Mecca won immunity, he'd take Jackie to the Final Two, and if Jackie won, she'd take Mecca. Mewrio's only chance would be to win immunity, and since he didn't bother to show up for the challenge, there was no chance of that.


Cut and paste previously written speech. Send vote for Jackie to the host. Done.



Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:01 am
by Bruce the Duck
Wow, Dave, you were playing a much more strategic game than I realized! I was SOOO sure that Melissa was tight in your guys' alliance!

Challenge #13: "The Pecking Order"

I believe at this point, anth and I agreed that numbers would be the next to go. In the game play, I threw a few votes Mecca's way to throw off our alliance, and Jackie and I came down to the final two. Jackie went on to win immunity and Al's Buddy Reward. She chose to wipe her vote total clean, and almost immediately, Mecca got word that anth wanted to vote me out, and he already had GIM on board. Mecca shared that information with Melissa, Jackie, and I, and I immediately decided that anth had to go. To throw him off, Mecca replied to anth telling him he'd vote for me, even though he'd actually vote for anth.

We were reaching out to numbers, Alexis, and mewrio, when Mecca got another PM from anth. Anth's plan was starting to fall apart. GIM changed his mind and refused to vote for me. Instead GIM wanted to vote out Melissa. Anth sent me a PM telling me that Mecca wanted to vote for me, and that we should just take Mecca out. Right after that, he, sent another one telling me that GIM wanted to vote Melissa out. Then anth started to panic. He tried to call in my favor that if he helped me get to the merge, that I'd take a dive for him. But it was really too late for him. I used his notes against him to solidify my alliance with Mecca and Melissa, and we blind-sided anth.

This part is awesome! >:)

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:02 am
by anthontherun
Mecca, you could have probably won the game if you went along with me... <_<

The biggest surprise for me that vote was that numbers voted against me. As I posted in General Discussion, I wasn't shocked to be voted off. But I expected a 6-3 vote and I don't know why numbers went with the bad guys. :P

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:05 am
by Genius in Maine
Elvis @ Mar 14 2005, 04:32 PM wrote: DrSteggy got Mecca on board, and he wanted a Final Three alliance with me and her in return.  So it turned out that the last person we contacted for an alliance, turned out to be our best alliance partner.  :)
anth told me about that shortly after the merge occurred. However, Dave lied to me and said that he wanted to take me to the final three.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #3: "Al's Co-workers Reprise"

We lost the points total (no surprise really with ccs and doggans on the tribe) so at the first TC, I was all set for mewrio to go.  GIM wiould vote with me, and I'd let ccs and doggans know to vote for mewrio.  And if they didn't vote, no big deal, because they'd vote for themselves, and GIM and I would still have majority.  My only concern was that mewrio would be more helpful in challenges than ccs or doggans.  But then someone alerted me that Jeremy posted updated rules that if a tribe only has 3 members, it gets dissolved.  That allowed us to keep mewrio one more time, and drop some unreliable deadweight.  So, I told mewrio and GIM to vote for doggans.  This also built some trust between mewrio and myself, which would come into play near the end of the game.

I wasn't sure if voting mewrio off so early was a good idea, especially with doggans on our tribe. Dave initially proposed that we get rid of mewrio, but at the end of that chat session we agreed that doggans needed to go. (BTW, I sent doggans an invitation to the Bass Players board, but I don't know if he even read it!)
Elvis wrote: Challenge #4: "Disgusting Food Competition"
If we lost this challenge, GIM, ccs. and I would vote for mewrio, and I'd tell mewrio to vote for GIM, under the pretext that GIM was a stronger player than ccs, so we needed him out before he helped another tribe.  ccs's vote really didn't matter again, as GIM and I would have majority without him. 

That would have been a shock had we been in TC.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #5: "Thread Posting"

This challenge was, again, all about winning immunity for my tribe.  If we lost, same scenario as above, mewrio would have gone home.  Plus, after the challenge, we picked up spacedingo when his tribe disbanded, so that made our tribe all that much stronger, and me all that much safer.

This was pretty much unanimous. I don't know if mewrio had a preference about it, but when the time came, Dave, ccs and I all agreed that we should pick Dingo.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #6: "Video Scavenger Hunt"

Another group challenge where I just tried to win immunity and didn't care how the other tribes voted.  mewrio was still on the chopping block for us if we had lost.  But alas, no TC for us, and here's where my previous vote against Driew came back to haunt him.  >:) 

Challenge #7: "Go Fish For Parodies"

Another group challenge.  mewrio still on the chopping block.  No need for TC, as we won immunity again.

Challenge #8: "The Big Pun Challenge"

Another group challenge.  Same story.  After this challenge we picked up anth and Fintron.

At some point in this time period, I learned that school had resumed for mewrio (I think that's what it was), meaning he wouldn't be able to participate very often. At that point, it became apparent that mewrio needed to go at the first available opportunity. (BTW, I suggested to Dave that we pick up anth.)
Elvis wrote: Challenge #9: "Picture Puzzle Maze"

Melissa and I won immunity, while the rest of our tribes went to TC.  Kevbo quit, meaning only my tribe had to go to TC.  Fintron got voted out solely because he was the new guy.  Losing Kevbo here was a mixed blessing because he had been a very loyal alliance member, and probably would have stuck to the alliance to the end.  But at the same time, I felt Kevbo would be more loyal to anth than myself if it ever came down to it.  So I think it was good for me that he left.  I still felt I had the alliances I needed to protect myself from votes anyway.

I thought this would be the golden opportunity to vote mewrio out, and I proposed to anth that we do so. However, he had other ideas. He suggested that we get rid of Fintron because we couldn't guarantee he would vote with us, and we would still have a 4-2 majority (me, anth, Dave, with ccs possibly being the fourth?)
Elvis wrote: Challenge #10: "THE OUTCASTS' REVENGE!"

The tribes shuffled again, and once the dust settled, I found myself on a tribe with AlsGal27, Mecca, anth, mewrio. and GIM.   My tribe lost this one, but it was a unanimous decision to get rid of another deadbeat, AlsGal27.

I wasn't sure if AlsGal27 was even playing the game anymore, so this was fine with me.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #11: "Mock Interview Mix-Up"

We won immunity on this one, but had we lost, I believe mewrio was once again on the chopping block.   I learned that Jackie and Melissa were targeting numbers, but their plan involved making sure ccs voted.  Despite my constant and relentless PMs to ccs reminding him to vote every single time, ccs forgot to vote this time and voted himself out.  And I lost one of my secret alliances.  :(

No comments here.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #12: "Tribal Council Parody"

I got to play Robert DeNiro's Mole on this one, and my scheming wasn't good enough.  Because my tribe won, I went to TC with Jackie, Mecca, numbers, Alexis, and spacedingo.  All 10 people voted.  Spacedingo did what I felt people should have been doing from the beginning of the game, he tried to get people to vote for me!  But at that point, I was in a tight alliance with everyone except mewrio, numbers, and Alexis.  But numbers and Alexis had an alliance with Melissa and Jackie, and I used the trust I built up with mewrio to get him to vote for spacedingo, and we unanimously voted out spacedingo.  .  (True, Mecca voted for Alexis, but he jumped the gun.  It didn't matter though, as long as it was a vote for anyone other than me, we still had majority.)

While I sent Alexis a PM suggesting that she vote for Dingo, I don't know if that affected her vote. In fact, until anth said that she did vote, I wasn't sure if she had; after the votes were revealed, I did the math, and Jeff said that all but one of the votes was for Dingo, and I saw a vote for Dave, which I believed (correctly) was Dingo. I also saw a vote for Alexis, prompting me to ask anth if she voted.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #13: "The Pecking Order"

I believe at this point, anth and I agreed that numbers would be the next to go.  In the game play, I threw a few votes Mecca's way to throw off our alliance, and Jackie and I came down to the final two.  Jackie went on to win immunity and Al's Buddy Reward.  She chose to wipe her vote total clean, and almost immediately, Mecca got word that anth wanted to vote me out, and he already had GIM on board.  Mecca shared that information with Melissa, Jackie, and I, and I immediately decided that anth had to go.  To throw him off, Mecca replied to anth telling him he'd vote for me, even though he'd actually vote for anth. 

We were reaching out to numbers, Alexis, and mewrio, when Mecca got another PM from anth.  Anth's plan was starting to fall apart.  GIM changed his mind and refused to vote for me.  Instead GIM wanted to vote out Melissa.  Anth sent me a PM telling me that Mecca wanted to vote for me, and that we should just take Mecca out.  Right after that, he, sent another one telling me that GIM wanted to vote Melissa out.  Then anth started to panic.  He tried to call in my favor that if he helped me get to the merge, that I'd take a dive for him.  But it was really too late for him.  I used his notes against him to solidify my alliance with Mecca and Melissa, and we blind-sided anth.

During this challenge, Jeff joked about giving Melissa back an X. While I knew he was joking, I got suspicious that something was brewing between the two. This was where I knew we needed to get rid of Melissa ASAP. anth agreed to vote with me. Once the votes were revealed, I became a dead man walking.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #14: "The Star Wars 28th Anniversary Commemorative Challenge"

Our plan was to vote out GIM this time, since he was the only one to side with anth.  But GIM won immunity.  So it came down to whether to get rid of numbers or Alexis.  We decided to get rid of numbers, because we weren't sure of his previous voting record. 

Before I won immunity, Dave proposed that we get rid of numbers. However, I didn't trust him on this; why would he want to take out a weak player when much stronger players, like me, were still around? If I hadn't won immunity, I would have voted for Dave, and I sent Alexis a PM saying that we needed to get rid of Dave, followed by a 'Disregard the last PM' when I won.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #15: "Six Degrees of Twists"

No immunity and no reward on this challenge, but I don't think it would have mattered.  Melissa was the intended target from the beginning, because Jackie and I were starting to get worried that Melissa might not be true to our alliance.  We were pretty confident that GIM would vote for her with us, because he wanted Melissa out previously.  And mewrio was voting however I asked him to, so with Mecca and Jackie, I had the votes we needed to get rid of Melissa.  And we were right on about her not intending to stay true, because after the challenge, Melissa approached Jackie and Mecca about voting me off.  She convinced Alexis to vote for me telling Alexis that she wanted an all girl Final 3 with Jackie.  Mecca and Jackie stayed true to me, and we voted out Melissa.

Mecca forgot to vote here, but it didn't matter since we had the majority anyway.
Elvis wrote: Challenge #16: "Weird Al Logic Puzzle"

The next target was Alexis, but a twist put anth back in the game, and that pretty much meant I was going home.  :(  We were always at least one vote ahead of what we needed, but with anth's vote it forced a tie.  Unfortunately, if I went head to head with anyone in a tie, I would have lost because of my previous votes.  I tried to win back Alexis's and GM's vote, but I knew it was a longshot.  I decided that if I couldn't win, then surely I wasn't going to let those responsible for voting me off win!!!  >:)  I got a guarantee from Jackie and Mecca that if I was voted out, they would avenge my death.  Their next target would be GIM, followed by Alexis.

Mewrio, Jackie, and Mecca voted for Alexis with me, but anth convinced Alexis and GIM to use his double vote, and vote me out.  My game was over.  Now I'd just have to sit back and wait for Jackie and Mecca to get to the Final Two.  I was so confident that they would make it to the Final Two, that I wrote the comments that I used at the Final TC the night I got voted out.  I used them word for word at the Final TC.

I wasn't sure if Dave could be trusted, so I INTENTIONALLY took a long time to submit my votes. Dave claimed that he wanted to keep me in the game, which I didn't believe (he even said that the jury hated him and Jackie, and I would win if I made the final two with either of them, which I also didn't believe since numbers was on the jury and would probably have voted for Dave if he made the final two).
Elvis wrote: Challenge #17: "The Medley From Hell!"

All I know is Jackie spent every free moment she had working on this thing.  As they promised me, Mecca and Jackie voted off GIM.

After Dave was eliminated, Jackie proposed to me that we work together as a team, claiming that she didn't want Mecca, mewrio, or Alexis to coast into the final two. I felt like Dr. Dad to her BTD (using a comparison to two people in S2); while I did agree (after taking a long time to reply), it really didn't matter too much, since my game was almost over anyway.

However, Jackie was a great strategist, as well as being the runner-up in S3. Having been a runner-up myself, I certainly didn't want anyone to have that title twice, so that was the deciding factor in why I voted for her to win the game.

Also, remember to watch Weird Al Survivor: Season Six! I PMed Dingo with my twist idea and he'll probably be using it!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:22 am
by Driew_La_27
Word got back to Driew and he approached me about it. I carefully worded my response and Driew bought it. Meantime, Mecca was invited to the Yahoo! group.

:lol: I actually didn't buy it. Anth told me that you had voted for me. I didn't really mind. I didn't think you backstabbed me or anything. I also NEVER betrayed you guys. I knew that Jackie had the numbers to survive through the first TC. So I thought what the heck. :P Even WITHOUT that vote Dave, I would've been gone, because it would've been a trivia question, and Fintron would've easily beaten me. Thus me being voted out. :rolleyes:

I just wanted you guys to know that I never betrayed you. I was loyal to the alliance.

But this just proves that I suck. :P

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:54 am
by anthontherun
Oh, the Struggles He Faced


I set up alliances with dingo and Driew not long after season 1 ended, and I assumed (correctly) that my alliance with GIM and Kevbo would reform once All Stars began. After a while, we stopped discussing the game through PMs, and after the first challenge, PMs that I sent to both dingo and Driew went unanswered. I still think that if I hadn't won immunity that night, at least one or two votes would have gone my way.

Elvis proposed that we align because he thought that with the other people on the green tribe (according to the profile pics), he wouldn't have much of a chance. I was thinking the same thing, and agreed.

Challenge #1: "One Tribe Surprise"

I obviously loved this twist because it guaranteed that I wouldn't be the first person voted off. Meanwhile, I joined Driew's Yahoo group. gtrmu was the initial target, but since he was in the group (no idea why), that prevented scheming about his exit. We decided to vote off Allie because we knew that she had a lot of influence over some of the other players, and plus she could whoop anyone in almost any challenge. One vote made the difference between her and Jackie exitting.

Challenge #2: "Beard Hal Rhyme Time"

gtrmu was deleted from the group and as soon as he was, we began plotting his exit. When Dave won immunity, he asked me if he should give it to me or Jackie. I told him something to the effect of "Jackie is more at risk, but she already has a lot of past votes against her, and I don't. Why put someone else in jeopardy?" Then dingo told me and Melissa told Jackie about how Driew was playing both sides. Dave threw a vote in Driew's direction. As for immunity, in the end, Dave told me he wanted to give it to Jackie, so I made a bold move that nobody knows about: I told AlsGal27, who I thought was going to vote for me, to vote for dingo because he was a threat and because we had the numbers to take him out. She fell for it, and I was pleasantly surprised that I only got two votes at TC.

Challenge #3: "Al's Co-workers Reprise"

After four captains were decided, dingo chose me to be on his team. In the chatroom, we privately discussed who to pick. We wanted iisryan and Alexis simply because of season 1 loyalty, and we wanted AP solely to take him out if we lost a challenge. Didn't matter this time because we came in 1st place.

Challenge #4: "Disgusting Food Competition"

This one was confusing. The board had been acting up that day and I couldn't get on for the challenge. We lost but dingo and my idea to take AP paid off, and we unanimously voted him off.

Challenge #5: "Thread Posting"

I came up with the idea to use the Wordplay-Mix-Em-Up game (although dingo came up with the title). Back in Survivor 1, it was a challenge that got a lot of posts within a few hours. I guess when you're not playing Survivor, nobody cares about it because it tanked. I apologized to the team, but I had nothing to worry about anyway. We decided to vote off Ryan because we realized that he was more likely to revolt against us if there was a tribal switch than Alexis was.

Challenge #6: "Video Scavenger Hunt"

First off, Driew did NOT help at all on this challenge, which is why we thought it might be smart to vote him off. In fact, we openly discussed it in our Yahoo chatroom. But I didn't trust Fintron very much either. And I wanted to lead Driew into a trap and blindside him later on. Fintron PMed me and said he knew that he was a target, but he thought it would smarter to get rid of Driew. I told him that I would consider it and wasn't going to send my vote in for a little bit. I voted for Fintron, but Dave's vote against Driew took him out. I realized that numbers and PMan had been suckered in by Fintron. So I did the only logical thing I could. I told Fintron I voted for Driew and that numbers attempted to but he had already sent in a vote against Fintron.

Challenge #7: "Go Fish For Parodies"

We finally got rid of WAF27 here, and I wasn't part of the TC but I have to say my team did awesome on this challenge!

Challenge #8: "The Big Pun Challenge"

The ruling on this one got me a little because one judge not only took points off of everyone's answers for the answer "duck tape" but while the other teams lost 1 point for that, our team lost two, which ending up making us lose. PMan admittedly got screwed by a twist, but I didn't care, I was still in the game!

Challenge #9: "Picture Puzzle Maze"

I was sad to see Kevbo go because I had wanted to go to the final three with him and GIM again. Fintron went because he just wasn't part of the alliance.

Challenge #10: "THE OUTCASTS' REVENGE!"

After the challenge, the tribes were shuffled and my new tribe lost. We unanimously dropped AlsGal27.

Challenge #11: "Mock Interview Mix-Up"

Dave really came through for us on this one. He ended up answering every single one correct (although a few of us answered some of the easier ones before he checked his tape). Great job, Dave! :bigups:

Challenge #12: "Tribal Council Parody"

I was shocked to find out that Dave was the Mole for this challenge. Not because it was a big twist, but because he hadn't really done much to sabotage the challenge. He gave a few suggestions that I thought were kind of lame but I didn't want to speak up and say, "Hey, these suck!" But still, he let me compile the list and we decided to do it in the chatroom format (I'm still proud of that part where Driew enters). Melissa did an awesome job sabotaging hers because even with dingo on the team, it was terrible! :P I felt really bad voting off dingo but I knew I had to. Always vote in the majority if you know how they're voting. Dave had wanted dingo gone plenty of times and I always persuaded him to vote for someone else. But this time, there was really no choice--he was a huge threat, and I knew that Dave wouldn't vote for Jackie, Mecca, or Melissa (not that I really thought they needed to go), and I certainly wouldn't allow GIM to go. That left Alexis, numbers and mewrio, who we felt could be taken out at any time.

Challenge #13: "The Pecking Order"

Before the challenge, Dave, GIM, Jackie and I agreed that we would vote off numbers after the challenge. Then something funny happened at the challenge. Jackie took off one of my points even though only one person, numbers, had been taken out of the challenge. I started PMing GIM and Mecca through the chatroom, including one telling message to Mecca: "This is the last time we can break them apart." He hesitated to even talk to me and I knew I couldn't trust him. It was at this point I realized letting Dave and Jackie stay this long was a huge mistake.

I told Dave Mecca wanted to vote him off. Then I told him that GIM wanted Melissa gone--which was true. Dave said he'd vote for her but I had a feeling he wouldn't. I considered voting against him but I knew that GIM wouldn't and I wanted to be loyal to GIM, continuing our alliance from season 1. I decided that in a tie, two votes against Melissa would be better than one vote against her and one against Dave. I’m proud to say I went out fighting though.

Challenge #16: "Weird Al Logic Puzzle"

With Melissa voted off the previous TC, I knew that she’d be willing to work with me (as would all the other Outcasts) in taking out Dave if one of was the first to solve the puzzle and let all the Outcasts vote. I was the first to solve it among the Outcasts, but GIM got it before me and won immunity and I won him the Al’s Buddies prize—which gave him a crucial double vote. It was four votes for Alexis, and three votes against Dave. The one whose vote wasn’t secure yet? Alexis. GIM told me that she was the target so I forwarded her the PM and encouraged her to force a tie and get Dave out of the game. It worked!

Elvis wrote: Cut and paste previously written speech. Send vote for Jackie to the host. Done.
Yep, same for me.

And like GIM, I too have an evil twist that dingo will probably use in S6—you may think it’s tough to know your position when you’re in the game—but what about when you’re out of the game? >:)

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:07 am
by Driew_La_27
First off, Driew did NOT help at all on this challenge, which is why we thought it might be smart to vote him off.


Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:12 am
by anthontherun
I wasn't on your team at that point so I couldn't have cared less. :P

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:16 am
by Driew_La_27
anthontherun @ Mar 14 2005, 05:12 PM wrote: I wasn't on your team at that point so I couldn't have cared less. :P
Good point. I just don't get that statement. There were people on our tribe that did TEN TIMES less than what I had done for the tribe. I know that that's not why you guys voted me out, because that's all false....