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Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:27 am
by MarsBar
This is going to be the hardest vote for me. I had alliances with both of you, and I still am not sure which was broken (though I have an idea). I'm trying not to be angry, but it's tough when you get betrayed. Really, I don't think either of you deserves to win. I'm going to ask you both the same question without making too long a speech. This question is more for your opinion than to discover who voted for me.

Q - Would you consider yourself more loyal to your alliances than your fellow Survivor? Why or why not?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:31 am
by Dumb N00b
Well, MT, I was only talking to my ex-alliances in that paragraph. I should have made that clearer. The reason you were voted out is rather superficial. You were a Lumpy Spud, and you had no alliances. Therefore, you were the only person the remaining three-way alliance could settle on kicking out. I'm sorry it had to be that way.

If there had been no alliances, pretty much everyone would have wanted to take you (regarded as a weak player) to final two. Since everyone else was allied by the old Couch Potato alliance, however, we decided to kick you out in order to get rid of the last Lumpy Spud.

Segregation, I know, and it's wrong. Technically speaking, from LN's and my standpoint, we probably would have been better off getting rid of Jon first. But our CP alliance put that off.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:38 am
by Dumb N00b
Overall, MarsBar, I was probably not. IIRC, I voted the same way that LN did in every single challenge, and we were allied with the same people. But I have the added weight of the Jon deception on my shoulders, which brings my total back-stab count up.

On the other hand, I believe I had immunity more frequently than LN, so that might bring it down again. I'd have to read through this entire topic to see.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:41 am
by Patrick
I am honestly pleased with the way this game had turned out, at least from my standpoint. Sure, I would have liked to have won it all, but getting voted out because you were percieed as a threat is almost as nice a way to go, IMHO.

Anyway, it seems as though the two of you played a good game. Who played a better game is what I am having trouble deciding. So, my question to both of you is why should I vote for the other player?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:12 am
by Dumb N00b
Alright. I can think of a lot of reasons why you should vote for lamename.

For one thing, he played a much more honest game than I did. I spent a good two weeks messing with Jon's head. And even if Jon didn't resent it, I'm still a liar. For another thing, he spent most of the time moderating the CP forum. I was in Minnesota for a good deal of the challenges, basically being MIA for everything BUT the challenges themselves.

I don't remember whose idea it was to kick you out, so I can't say that it was mine or his exclusively.

Lamename was a strong leader of the CPs where I was not. He played a fairer game than I did. And he did a lot more for you than I ever did. That's all.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:29 am
by Akrovak
Just a talley of sorts ...

So far, we are missing speeches/questions from KnottyEmily, WeirdAce and TMBJon ... please get those in before 7:00 PM Sunday.

Dumb n00b for Al has answered all questions thrown at her so far.

lamename3000 has responded to kristineslipson, but not MarsBar, Patrick or Mystik Tomato. Make sure those responses are in prior to 7:00 PM on Tuesday.

By the way, loving the drama and angst!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:58 am
by WeirdAce
You guys played the game very well and ya'll should be commended for that.

However, I am still royally upset for being removed when I did because I really enjoyed the game and thought that I could have been one of the better individual players.

Enough about my self-righetous attitude...

Though both of you are on my 'hit' list (j/k), i do have to pick the lesser of two evils.

So it comes down to this...

Which is your favorite album by Al and which song on that album is the best in your opinion?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:12 am
by Dumb N00b
My favorite album is Poodle Hat. The best song on Poodle Hat is Genius in France.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:56 am
by The Doctor
MystikTomato: "You were helping me in a couple of challenges, specifically the medley. Was that to get me to trust you more, or something else?"

That's a hard question to answer. A little bit of getting you to trust me, helping you out, and trying to get a few answers back to make sure we (me and DN) weren't missing anything.

MarsBar101: "Would you consider yourself more loyal to your alliances than your fellow Survivor? Why or why not?"

I would consider myself more loyal to my alliance (Dumb n00b). It worked, didn't it? Besides the Final 2 alliance, I did try to be as honest as I could with people until the week they were voted off. And I still tried to be as honest as I could without saying "I will not vote you out." If that makes sense.
I feel trust is something special, and so this game was tough for me. I built up trust early on, and it was hard for me to lie and break that trust later on. But that's part of Survivor. Nothing new. You watch all the reunions on real Survivor? Lots of anger. Even before the votes are cast, Susan Hawk's/Kristine's speech adds a lot of drama and hurt in the end. :)

Patrick: "Why should I vote for the other player?"

Very good question.
Elsa is an awesome person and player.
She is dedicated. She always showed up. She's funny, smart, cute, talented, generous ("Greetings from the Twine Ball, Wish you were here!" Jealous?) and that list goes on.
Other than that. She was always there for me. With all the stuff going on in this game, I may have gone crazy if I didn't have her to unleash all my thought and feelings to. She took the initiative to start the yahoo group for Couch Potatoes. She is a good player too. Very resourceful.

Nice to smell. Has a spatula tattooed on her arm (on her arm!)...
SPOILER joking!

Overall, she's a great person. Great ally. Very trustworthy (in my POV. Don't know about anyone else's :) )
I actually can't find a reason to NOT vote for her except for one.
If I wasn't here, I'd expect EVERYONE to vote for her to win.

But I have a personal bias, and so naturally, I would want you to vote for me.

WeirdAce: "Which is your favorite album by Al and which song on that album is the best in your opinion?"

Great question! Hard one, too!
But really, Before SOL came out, I'd say Poodle Hat and Hardware Store/Bob leaning towards Bob.
But with Straight Outta Lynwood, I'll have to pick it. It has the most amount of awesome parodies, and the best original song of Al's ever, Pancreas!
I mean, my sig says it all! :)

That's all for this batch of questions... More after we hear from the lovely, always caring, KnottyEmily, who was unfairly kicked from the game, and TMBJon, who fell in the fire.

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:15 am
by KnottyEmily
I don't really have anything much to say, except that I really enjoyed the game, both as a survivor and as a spectator. Here's my questions:

LN3000: Why do you think I was voted out unfairly? You can be completely honest as I have no grudges about leaving the game when I did.

DNFA: Which challenge did you find the most difficult, and why?