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Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:47 pm
by minnick27
He got Frank Zappa to be pope. That makes him awesome


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:19 am
by Way_Moby
minnick27 wrote:He got Frank Zappa to be pope. That makes him awesome
In my mind, that is his only plus.


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:50 am
by minnick27
Its all you need


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:54 am
by Jettkoral
Well I thought of going in the restroom to puke, but my thoughts have been diminished. :D


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:20 am
by HappyGilmore
weirdojace wrote:Ren and Stimpy was crap that people only saw as revolutionary because it was the first cartoon to get away with excessive gross-out humor on a kids' network. And John K's taste in all other animation is terrible and he believes that if your show isn't filled with gross out gags, it sucks. Although I want to believe that he only rips on other animated movies and TV shows that are pretty much universally loved by everybody else just to get a rise out of people. Or maybe he's just bitter that his career didn't go anywhere else after Ren and Stimpy.

Seriously, the man who created Ren & Stimpy called The Iron Giant a bad movie.
I don't think of Ren and Stimpy as revolutionary. I don't think John K is a great animator by any means.

But I am a fan of Ren and Stimpy. Not the "Adult Party" one, but the original. Stupidly fun. Plus it had Gilbert Gottfried AND Frank Zappa on it.

But otherwise, yeah, I see what you're saying. The DVD commentaries he had were hilarious. Everything was Nickelodeon's fault, not his. Mind you, he was always late with the show and had far too many 'gross out' things on it that Nick wouldn't air. I dunno.


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:29 pm
by safetydancer
Ren & Stimpy wasn't about the gross out gags. It actually became a lot more about that after John K was fired :boot:. Ren & Stimpy was about the way it was developed by cartoonists, about the expressive, diverse and cartoony animation. Episodes like Stimpy's Invention and Sven Hoek have some of the best acting and timing in animation ever. In THAT sense it WAS revolutionary, because at that point all animation was dull, lifeless and had boring stories quickly written by a few people to sell toys.

And John K's all time favorite animations are the Looney Tunes. Where's the gross out humor and terribleness in that?


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:30 pm
by Way_Moby
safetydancer wrote:Ren & Stimpy wasn't about the gross out gags. It actually became a lot more about that after John K was fired :boot:. Ren & Stimpy was about the way it was developed by cartoonists, about the expressive, diverse and cartoony animation. Episodes like Stimpy's Invention and Sven Hoek have some of the best acting and timing in animation ever. In THAT sense it WAS revolutionary, because at that point all animation was dull, lifeless and had boring stories quickly written by a few people to sell toys.

And John K's all time favorite animations are the Looney Tunes. Where's the gross out humor and terribleness in that?
OK, maybe. But let's face it. The shows was infamous for it's gross out humor.


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:53 pm
by Iamabrawler
First thing I said after watching the videoclip: "I`ve seen enough butt for a year now."
Next thing I did: Clicked "replay" and went to another page so I wouldn`t see the vid but hear the song anyway.


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:24 am
by TMBJon
A week later, I'm starting to think TMZ is the best parody on the album. Sometime this week I will have thoughts on the entire album, but this is the track I keep going back to.


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:26 pm
by Wizzerkat
I keep going back to this one, too. I think this might be my fave parody on the album as well. I would just love a live action vid for this one.