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Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:10 pm
by catanddogdoctor
How does one start a conversation with someone in that situation?
Probably not by falling at his feet and begging for an autograph...

So, is Steve "Ak" or "Zuie?"

Steve is Ak and Pete is Zuie...........


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:02 pm
by Squirrelygirl
Scottidog wrote:

Probably not by falling at his feet and begging for an autograph...

Well, I don't think that's going to be a problem :) Besides, I already have

a couple autographs and a picture (although I look awful in it).

I've met him and talked with him a few times (he even gave me a couple friendly kisses on the cheek :blush:) but I feel sort of lame just going up

saying "Remember me?". I'm sure like all the guys, he meets hundreds of

fans, and there's certainly no reason for him to remember me.

The after show setting just seems a little awkward for starting conversations with the guys.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:27 pm
by Jigawatt
I'm sure like all the guys, he meets hundreds of
fans, and there's certainly no reason for him to remember me

Al has a scary-good memory. The first time I met him in person, he actually remembed the "row number" I was in on an AOL chat.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:42 pm
by Squirrelygirl
Yeah, I know. It's freaky, huh? :)

What's so special about that is you remember things that are important to

you, so it gives you an idea of where the fans are in Al's priorities.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 8:50 pm
by Jigawatt
Yeah, I know. It's freaky, huh? :)

What's so special about that is you remember things that are important to
you, so it gives you an idea of where the fans are in Al's priorities.


Definitely freaky--good freaky though. :) He genuinely values the fans, and it shows.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 10:33 pm
by stupidsurgeon27
Al's memory is amazing. I introduced myself to Al just as Cindy at OC, but when I was leaving the line after I met him he went, "Bye, CindyBob!"

Which amazes me because I had never introduced myself to him before and just as Cindy that one time. That was


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:59 am
by Squirrelygirl
I think he likes to do stuff like that. :)

I'd only been posting on amw-a for about 6 mos in '99 when I met Al in Stockton (Carole G was smart enough to snag some backstage passes from a radio station at the venue!!!).

When I met Al, I was about to introduce myself when he said "Oh you must be Squirrelygirl." I just stopped dead in my tracks.

"How did you know that?" I asked, jaw dropping, eyes bugging out. :shocked:

He chuckled and said sometimes he looked over Bermuda's shoulder when

Jon was on the newsgroup, so he had a vague idea of who people were.

I think we shook hands, but I remember very little about what happened afterward, but I was too shy to even have my picture taken with him.

And I giggled a lot. :blush: :inlove:


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:16 am
by kidcid
When I saw Al backstage at OC Fair he knew where Kevin and I were from. That was so weird. I didn't ask him how he knew ( I get a bit toungue tied around Al ... Or .... Just the opposit and babble on on on on on).So I don't know how he knew. His memory for people is amazing! In a conversation with Steve I found out that we (Kevin and I) had been talked about backstage at OC Fair (why???). Anyway Truely remarkable!


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:50 am
by Squirrelygirl
Kidcid wrote:

His memory for people is amazing! In a conversation with Steve I found out that we (Kevin and I) had been talked about backstage at OC Fair (why???). Anyway Truely remarkable!

Didn't Al even yell out "Hi Kevin" during a pause in TSB? Of course Al

remembers you both. You guys are both super nice, and anyone who looks as much like him as Kevin does has got to get Al's attention. You should post a picture, Cid.

Besides, your hospitality (and Kevin's) was legendary in O.C.:)


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 4:35 am
by stupidsurgeon27
Didn't Al even yell out "Hi Kevin" during a pause in TSB?

I think that was during Yoda if my memory serves correct.

Of course Al would remember Cid and Kevin. He saw your guys performances at AlCon. :) Not to mention, you guys housed Al fans for OC and held some parties, not to mention the Lynwood trip. :) *big hugs to Cid and Kevin*

It's really amazing how the guys are! :biggrin: Just!
