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Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 10:08 pm
by CatraDhtem
Jigawatt @ May 1 2006, 02:33 PM wrote: The one thing that makes me think that Weasel Stomping Day isn't an album title is that we've already had a "Day" album name -- Bad Hair Day.  I suppose that doesn't exclude Al from ever releasing an album with the word "day" in it again... but I think it makes it at least a little less likely.
I kinda agree from that perspective. It would be a little like if Al titled the album "Really Horrible!" or "Swimming with Fishes." Not exactly derivative, but still reminiscent of a previous work, particularly a triumphant one (and yes, I do realize the irony considering the artist we're talking about).

But I guess to me it would all depend on what kind of spin such a title like "Weasel Stomping Day" would be given. If the concept of the album design was in fact more holiday-slanted, as if Weasel Stomping Day was some bizarre celebration, then I suppose it would be unique enough to set it apart from BHD.

Anyway, this is all guessing right now. We still don't even know if this title really is something Al came up with, let alone what it's the title of.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 10:27 pm
by tessaigapants
weird_el @ May 1 2006, 05:01 PM wrote: I've often compared record company execs to weasels. If Al is having issues with his, then Weasel Stomping Day is an even better title.
Please don't make such a comparison. It's terribly insulting to the weasels. :)

Actually, WSD may be an expression of angst/empowerment in relation
to the PH video situation. THIS time around, there will be tons of vidoes,
AL will be sure of that!

This upcoming album will be a dualdisc. Probably an industry decision,
and not the artist's. Mixed blessing that AL will be given the chance (forced) to
come up with extra material. I wonder who will pay for all that extra stuff?
The industry? In theroy, probably. In reality? Never. They'll weasel out of
it somehow.

See AL in concert. Buy several t-shirts. Heck, does he take random, anonymous

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:55 am
by shakespeare234
I was just searching around the forum and came across this post in the Big Jim West Live Performance Topic...
dgw671 @ Jul 12 2005, 09:21 AM wrote: The landslide thing was a little scary but 24 hours later when he is telling me, it was sort of funny! 

As far as questions, Jim has a great sense of humor.  As I have told Scottidog, some of his stories are crazy funny!  The reason the "landslide" incident is a little funny to me is because Jim finds himself in these little situations somehow.  He has been hit on stage with a garden hoe, has slid off the stage, and one of the funniest "Al" stories involves him slipping on water, falling on the base of his mike stand right on his coccyx!  At the time, not so funny... now? Funny!

Short story to show his kind of sense of humor:  We have a mink that wonders into our back yard.  We sent him pictures one day.  He sent us an email back saying he decided to name his new album "Weasel Stomping Slack Key". 

He is very witty.  So don't worry too much about obscure, goofy, questions.  As long as it's not mean spirited (which again, I can't imagine anyone on this board doing that) he will enjoy it!


I found it coincidentally interesting.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:01 am
by Al's #27 fan
That is interesting...Maybe he decided not to use it for an album title and instead Al used it for a song title? A little...odd, but I dunno.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:36 am
by weirdojace
You know how Al stole Poodle Hat from Coconut Hat?

Jim's returning the favor. :P

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 6:09 am
by Kevbo1987
Hmm....maybe Jim was attempting to give us a subtle hint. Very interesting, indeed.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 6:48 am
by CatraDhtem
Well, it looks like Dave's post was right around the time the originals were recorded, so yeah otherwise that would have to be a pretty big coincidence.

Unless, of course, someone from "Robot Chicken" is a fan and lurks here. I know that's probably a stretch, but the Adult Swim crowd in general are usually very pro-Al, so it's not impossible. Just keeping all options alive.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:44 am
by Mystik Tomato
algonacchick @ May 2 2006, 01:49 AM wrote: Psst, the Alapalooza title parodied the 90's big concert get-together known as Lolapalooza, not Hullapalooza. Maybe you got that confused with Hullabaloo? Nah, I don't even remember that show!
Whoops. :lookaround:

Musta got confused with the simpsons episode where they go to Hullapalooza.

Y'know, Homerpalooza.

Anyway, maybe this is a derivative of "I'll Sue You", with the suer sueing weasles (corporate big-shots) for what happened in TCITM, and winning.

ETA: Whoops. :lookaround:

I guess the dingo already cleared the confusion up.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:49 pm
by Al's #27 fan
Mystik Tomato @ May 1 2006, 01:51 AM wrote: So, if WSD is the album name, it will be the 3rd one that won't make sense to the general public
You mean you've never heard the phrase, "Don't stomp on weasels"? :P

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:42 pm
by tessaigapants
Al's #27 fan @ May 3 2006, 10:49 PM wrote: You mean you've never heard the phrase, "Don't stomp on weasels"? :P
I haven't. Neither has google or dogpile.

It's like stomping on a weasel.
It's like barking up a tree.
It's like you say you got to buy one if
you wanna get one free.

err... Poodle Flying Day?
nope. :blink: