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Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 9:54 am
by Wardie
*reads above message* That's probably a typo. It's unique and original, but I've heard it so many times it's of no entertainment value to me anymore.

My 4.2 remains.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 11:23 pm
by drnick954
oh ok i see what ya mean now

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 12:40 am
by Kevbo1987
The Saga Begins-An awesome song. One thing that amazes me is how accurate those internet rumors were. Al was dead-on with the movie's plot line. It's a very clever parody or "Lyrical adaptation" as it was phrased in the liner notes. 10/10

My Baby's in Love With Eddie Vedder- I originally didn't like this song because I didn't know who Eddie Vedder was. Once I understood, the song really began to grow on me. I really started to like it when I saw Al perform it live. 10/10

Pretty Fly For a Rabbi- Another great parody! It's just so funny! It's one of my favorites. 10/10

The Weird Al Show Theme-A very good original. It's very funny. I love how Al tells a little story with it. 9/10

Jerry Springer-Another good parody. Most of the song is very funny. 9/10

Germs- It's a good song. I used to hate it, but it's growing on me. It's just not one of my favorites. 8/10

Polka Power!- One of my favorite polkas! 10/10

Your Horoscope for Today- One of my favorite Al originals. 10/10

It's All About the Pentiums- I love this song! It is definitely one of Al's best! 10/10

Truck Driving Song- An okay song. It's not terribly strong, and I think Al can do better. 7/10

Grapefruit Diet- I loved the original of this song, and I love the parody. 9/10

Albuquerque- My favorite Al original! Pure genius!! 10/10
Overall, this album will forever be a classic! It's brilliant!!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 12:46 am
by young dumb and ugly
Saga Begins: Well, if youre astar wars fan, im sure you'd lovei t. I watch star its good. 8/10

My Baby's in Love with Eddy Vedder: I love the music, the lyrics..just what its about 10/10

Pretty Fly For a Rabbi: This is a great parody..I heard somewhere that a rabbi played this song for his religious class or w/e. 9/10

The Weird Al Show Theme: Its an all right song. 7/10

Jerry Springer: I usually skip this song, cus its kinda..i dunno..but when I do listen to it's funny..very true (not that I watch jerry springer :F ) 7/10

Germs: Haha..this song reminds me of someone I know. He also sounds very sexy when he sings it. 8/10

Polka Power: This is my second favorite polka..9/10

Your Horoscope for Today: I LOVE THIS SONG! This is the song he opened with at my first concert. ahh, memories 10/10
Its All about the Pentiums: I love the song..its very has a great video..and hey..ya gotta love the silver suit he wears in concert 10/10

Truck Drivin Song: This song is allright...not one of my favorites..6.5/10

Grapefruit Diet: Its a very clever song..its got a catchy tune..its a great parody..8.5/10

Albuquerque: Ha, my mom doesn't care for this song because its too long..but I love it! It's so funny, ive got it memorized and I love the WEASELS part! 9/10

Overall..I'd prolly give it an 8.5/10. A very good album..go buy it if you havent!

Sarah :Y

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:41 am
by Insert Coin(s) to Continue
The Saga Begins: Little bit overrated although this is a timeless Al classic. Great way of mending words together to make sheer poetry. Great song deserves 9 / 10

My Baby's in Love With Eddie Vedder: Al usually doesn't sing about events that won't matter in the future but about events that will always apply to people, that people will always be faced with like being fat or eating it. Most people won't remember Pearl Jam in 10, 50, 2,700 years from now. It had a good accordion solo but that's about it's only good attribute. There were no lines that really stuck out as amazingly funny to me so this one deserves a 6 / 10

Pretty Fly (For a Rabbi): Great parody, very funny, and vastly underrated. This is Al's only "religous" parody (some may argue otherwise but whatever :P) and it is recorded very well. Another return of Bernie to top it all off. This song is a perfect example of a 9 / 10

The Weird Al Show Theme: This is a funny little song but it doesn't really do much for you unless you're a die-hard fan. Very funny if you can understand what he's saying and always a good way to remember the TV show, 7 / 10 for this one.

Jerry Springer: Funny song although it did feel kind of...well...last minute. This is Al's only "explicit" song (they have to censor terms like "hoes" on music videos when they put them on TV). My favorite line in the song is: "It's like a train wreck, you don't wanna stare but can't look away." Comic genius, just don't let your grandmother walk in on you playing it :F. 7 / 10

Germs: Well, I really don't care for this song. The instrumentals were kind of annoying, the "microscopic bacteria" is kind of hard to hear, and it really isn't that funny. I don't think it had me laughing once throughout the song. This song gets a 5 / 10 for effort.

Polka Power!: A very good look into popular music of the late 90s although it could have done without Marilyn Manson (for one reason only. I was putting together a remix of this song using the bits of the real songs and, of course, I don't listen to Marilyn Manson (although he belongs to Interscope as well as Eminem) and I tried to get his song off of Window's Media Player so I couldn't get in trouble for downloading if :F and they only had the video so I had to watch the entire video and stream record the song...God what a fruitcake). Also, the Marilyn Manson part didn't add anything to the song. He well represented Walking on the Sun and Closing Time and did a very good job with this one, but this is my 3rd to last favorite polka. This one earns it's 7 / 10

Your Horoscope For Today: I'm never really sure which Al song is the greatest but I'm always debating between Amish Paradise, Albuquerque, and Your Horoscope For Today. This is a very, very good song with really nice vocals and instrumentals (plus a fast part which is always an up for me). Although making fun of horoscopes isn't the most original humor, Al pulls it off better than anyone I've ever seen do this so this song deserves a 10 / 10

It's All About the Pentiums: This song is pretty good. The video is very good with the girls in MSS (Mini Silver Suits :inlove: ) and the occasional appearence of celebrities such as Driew Carey and "Weird Al" Yankovic. The song is rap which, as you all know, I love but it's more of a rock-rap which is...not as good as the hardcore gangsta rap but there are some pretty good verses, you can easily tell in this song, though, that Al was not in a really good rapping mood that one day he was recording. Oh well. Pretty good song, pretty good video, this gets a 7 / 10

Truck Drivin' Song: Now I've always had special feelings for this song. It is lyrically good and musically alright. It gets the idea across but it isn't long enough and it's not really memorable at all. Good for die-hard fans, though. I love that voice :lol:. I'm haulin 6 / 10 tons of steel and it's sure hard to hold the wheel while I'm waitin for my nails to dry

Grapefruit Diet: The Cherry Poppin' Daddies? When did they get popular? Oh well. Zoot Suit Riot was a perfect parody item although it never really got as popular as some of the other songs that he's parodied before and he did the best he could at parodying this. The best anyone could. A lot of effort went into this song but it just doesn' Al but I didn't care for this one as much as it's clone, Fat. This one gets marked down to a 6 / 10

Albuquerque: PRAISE THE LORD! We have one of the funniest songs ever recorded!! This has great instrumentals, great vocals, and a great story. A+++ for effort, A++++++ for funniness. The only way that this song could be any better is if he worked a bit more with the outro. It seems a bit like he had this story and didn't know how to stop it. I like him trying to spell out Albuquerque but the rest of the outro really isn't needed. Obviously I'm going to give this song a 10 / 10

Running With Scissors: This is a great album with very good instrumentals and perfect vocals. You can tell that a lot of time and effort went into making this Cd and, as for sound, is probably his best CD but the overall quality and humor of the songs just doesn't match up to Bad Hair Day and Poodle Hat. This album still deserves a 9 / 10

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 5:23 am
by ThewEiRdOne27
1. The Saga Begins- This is one of Al's best parodies. Everything worked well: the lyrics, the story line, and the video. This is my favorite Al song, but even without the bias, it's a fantastic parody.

Rating: 10/10! Scissors

2. My Baby's in Love with Eddie Vedder- This is a very good original, just a little better than Hardware Store. Why? It has a catchy tune, and it has Al at his accordion best. A very clever, funny, and catchy song.

Rating: 9.25/10 Scissors

3. Pretty Fly (For a Rabbi)- Al does a very good job with this song, despite the fact he took an already comical song. To his credit, he makes it funnier. Some of the Yittish (sp?) words he uses are hilarious, and refrences to Judiasm are clean and very funny. Whoever gets offended by this has very thin skin.

Rating: 8.75/10 Scissors

4. The "Weird Al" Show Theme- This is nothing spectacular, just a slot filler. Funny? Yes. As good as the other songs? No.

Rating: 6.75/10 Scissors

5. Jerry Springer- Another comical song that Al makes funnier. Using the Jerry Springer Show was a great idea, adding humor and edge to the song. Once you get the point, it starts to get old, but fortunately that's at the end of the song.

Rating: 8.5/10 Scissors

6. Germs- I love this song. I just thought the music sounded incredible. The lyrics are fine too... there's something about Al acting paranoid that makes me want to listen to the again and again. Call me weird. :?

Rating: 9.0/10 Scissors

7. Polka Power!- Like iisryan said, this polka does a great job using popular songs of the late 90's. It's nothing all that great, but it has a few moments that are funny. Marilyn Manson doesn't detract anything from this song. His song is actually pretty funny in polka format.

Rating: 8.0/10 Scissors

8. That's Your Horror Scope For Today- This is another song which I think is more clever than actually being laugh out loud funny. Al does an incredible job poking fun at our horrorscope fascination. Unfortunately, he says I'm not very friendly or intelligent. :(

Rating: 8.75/10 Scissors

9. It's All About the Pentiums- Who says this song is old? Al does a dead-on parody of The Artist Formerly Known As Puff Daddy, and captures the technology craze (and, at the time, Y2K) perfectly. Incredible. Of course, the video is great too (I wish Al wasn't in so many of the shots, though).


Rating: 9.0/10 Scissors

10. Truck Driving Song- This is a song that's funny the first few times, but quickly starts to dry up. However, the concept of a cross-dressing truck driver is funny. :lol:

Rating: 7.50/10 Scissors

11. Grape Fruit Diet- I've never heard the original song, which leaves me to believe Al either A.) Thought the song was parody fodder regardless of the original artists' popularity or B.) Was just trying to fill space up. It has some very funny moments, but it's basically Fat: The Aftermath.

Rating: 7.75/10 Scissors

12. Albuquerque- "And on the 7th day, the Lord said,'Let there be Albuquerque!' This is a classic Al song that is timeless. It's done with speed and energy, making you want to hear more. Not only that, it's incredibly clever, funny, and isn't a half-bad story. The only thing is that it may just be a little too long... heck, who cares, it gets a 10!

Rating 10/10! Scissors

Running With Scissors is one of Al's finest achievements. It could definately be in a debate of Greatest ALbums.

Final Score: 9.25/10 Scissors

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:57 am
by Themagic#27
AHEM! The official RWS review thread has arrived! I'll start!

THE SAGA BEGINS: A very, very cute song, but it's pretty much a summary of the movie set to music. ^_^ But I still like it, 8/10.

MY BABY'S IN LOVE WITH EDDIE VEDDER: ROFLMBO! I love this song! ^_^ 9/10!

PRETTY FLY FOR A RABBI: Cute, but that "How ya doin'" at the beggining drives me insane. ^^;; 8/10.

TWAS THEME: Why in the heck is this on an ALbum? O_o Oh well. I like this theme, ish cute n'stuff. 9/10.

JERRY SPRINGER: Okay, I have to note one thing about this song: It, like Talk Soup, would be better without the phrase "porn star". That said, I can now go on with the review. :)
A funny, funny song. I just got the double joke with the phrase "Woofy, you B*TCH!" ROFL. Although my fave line is "That goat doesn't love you!" 8/10!

GERMS: I_LOVE_THIS_SONG. I dunno why. It's just...great. He acts so dramatic over the whole thing. 10/10!

POLKA POWER!: Great polka medely! One of the best yet, mostly because I actually remember most of the songs sampled here. 8/10.

YOUR HOROSCOPE FOR TODAY: This is one of the best songs on this album! ^_^ I'm an Aquarius, so that means...Aw crap. XD Oh well, I'll just be careful of the school busses from now on...10/10.

IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PENTIUMS: I love this song, it and Germs are probably two of my top songs on all of the three ALbums I own. I guess I love it so much becuase it's kind of an ode to computer geeks and hackers. I'm a geek, not a hacker, although I'm learning HTML...hmmm. 10/10!

TRUCK DRIVIN' SONG: O_o What in the WORLD inspired this song?!? o_o Anyways...Um...well, it is truely bizzare and just so darn WRONG that it's funny. 9/10.

GRAPEFRUIT DIET: This is an awesome little song. ^_^ I really, really like it, even though parts of it are extremely similar to Fat, lyric-wise. 9/10.

ALBUQUERQUE: I have been DYING to review this song. XD This is one of the funniest, most insane songs EVER. It's almost like he had a sugar of caffeine high when he wrote and recorded it. :lol: Although it is, like, 27 hours long, it still gets a 11/10!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 5:28 am
by weirdojace
An RWS thread didn't exist already? I'm surprised.

THE SAGA BEGINS - 8/10 I'm not a fan of Star Wars, but this song's pretty cool.

MY BABY'S IN LOVE WITH EDDIE VEDDER - 8/10 Al's accordion playing is BEAUTIFUL on this song. And it's so darn catchy!

PRETTY FLY FOR A RABBI - 8/10 Another good parody. ...a few weeks ago, I heard Pretty Fly for a White Guy playing on a radio, and I started singing Al's parody. And of course, the response was "Quit ruining the song." If only people would grow a freakin sense of humor.

THE WEIRD AL SHOW THEME - 5/10 Filler. Waste of space. Yawn.

JERRY SPRINGER - 9/10 Hilarious.

GERMS - 10/10 This song is COOL! Not to mention that I'm scared of germs too (I wash my hands like every 20 minutes, haha)...

POLKA POWER! - 8/10 One of his best polkas.


IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PENTIUMS - 10/10 OH YEAH! I am such a computer nerd, and this song is so great! I love it.

TRUCK DRIVIN' SONG - 8/10 This song is.......weird. It's funny for all the wrong reasons.

GRAPEFRUIT DIET - 5/10 Pretty weak in my opinion...

ALBUQUERQUE - 10/10 You'd have to be crazy to not like this.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 5:33 am
by anthontherun
Merged. Remember to check the Individual Song Discussion link.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 6:15 am
by Themagic#27
Ahhh, didn't think of that. ^^; I just searched for a RWS thread. Okie dokie, sorry mods.