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Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:29 am
by squishsquashgirl
I think that this has been brought up before.......

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:33 am
by Teh Dingo
Yeah, it has, sorry


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:58 am
by scottidog
So this will be a merge. Thanks for looking that up, Dingo.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:02 am
by scottidog
I actually came in to ask a question...

I have read that this song has something to do with Phil Spector and his "wall of sound." Can someone explain that to me?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:44 am
by Orthography Enthusiast
scottidog @ Jan 14 2004, 06:02 AM wrote: I have read that this song has something to do with Phil Spector and his "wall of sound."  Can someone explain that to me?
Well, the "wall of sound" is the name given to Spector's extremely lush production arrangements (think of all the strings on "Let It Be" for example). Where C@GZ is concerned, this album might give a hint of what Al was trying to send up.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:51 am
by Teh Dingo
scottidog @ Jan 14 2004, 12:58 AM wrote: So this will be a merge. Thanks for looking that up, Dingo.
Ooooh, okay, neat!

And by the way, as of this reply, there's 27 votes :bigups:

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:37 pm
by algonacchick
Well, OE, the strings on "Let It Be" might be a good example of what the wall of sound is like, but that's not Phil Spector. That album you linked to is a better example, since that is Phil Spector. A good example of a non-Christmas song that has the wall of sound is "Will You Still love Me Tomorrow", as performed by The Shirelles. Lots of strings on that version. Anyway, I heard a few of the songs that are on that Phil Spector Christmas album over the holidays, and they did remind me of CAGZ. Oh, and CAGZ is really growing on me. But I only like listening during the holidays, while I can listen to TNSWC anytime. hehe!


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:54 pm
by Genius in Maine
algonacchick @ Jan 14 2004, 12:37 PM wrote: Oh, and CAGZ is really growing on me. But I only like listening during the holidays, while I can listen to TNSWC anytime. hehe!

I got both PP and BHD during summer, about a year apart, with mixed results. While TNSWC instantly became one of my faves, I didn't listen to PP regularly until about two years after I got it. Now, of course, I like it a lot, especially CAGZ.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:01 pm
by Katoot
I don't really remember what my initial reaction to C@GZ was, since the first time I heard it was in the late eighties, I believe, leaving me in the mid-upper single digits, age-wise. I'm pretty sure that I thought it was very funny, cause I kinda remember it being one of my favorite songs back in the day (it still is, but I've aquired many, many more favorite songs). I'd have to say that I like C@GZ more than TNSWC, but I'm not sure why.

As for a subject that was briefly mentioned in I believe Sarley's post, I'd have to say my favorite SP X-Mas song would have to be "Dead, Dead, Dead." It's kinda along the same lines as C@GZ, basically enjoy the holidays, "cause someday you'll be dead." It's on Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics cd, which I just got this past holiday season, but I'm almost positive I've heard it before. I just can't remember where I heard it.

Anyways, Happy Belated Christmas everybody!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 1:52 am
by Insert Coin(s) to Continue
Awesome! Everyone knows what my favorite verse is...I posted it in like 10 different song!